James Roper

Results 100 issues of James Roper

scala-jwt 9.4.5 includes the upgrade to play-json 3.0.1. This is highly problematic because the group id of play-json 3 changed to `org.playframework`. The result is this seemingly innocuous patch version...

As far as I can tell, in Go today (I'm using 1.18), full duplex communication cannot work with their HTTP client. This is because `http2.Transport.RoundTrip` doesn't return until it has...

It would be great to have built in support for the subject access review APIs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authorization-resources/ These are "virtual" resources, where you post a `SubjectAccessReview` or `SelfSubjectAccessReview` resource to find...

I'm creating this issue just to start a discussion - not because I think this project should provide this feature, but I thought this is probably the right place to...

**What question do you have?:** The [documentation for load balancing](https://projectcontour.io/docs/1.28/config/request-routing/#load-balancing-strategy) mentions a `RequestHash` strategy. It then links to the Envoy documentation for more information about load balancing strategies. The problem...


The [Remote Security](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/remote-security.html) page says: > Encryption and authentication via a service mesh is not an option for Akka Cluster as described in [Service mesh](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/general/remoting.html#service-mesh). The [Remoting](https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/general/remoting.html#service-mesh) page that it...

#312 introduced code that failed when a redirect response code was returned. However, there is nothing useful in the exception name or message that even states that this is a...

The `Content-Encoding` header is an important header for GCS, it allows you to upload content which has been gzipped, saving on storage costs, and then when GCS serves the content,...


This issue is more of a starting point for discussion. CloudEvents has a generic subscriptions spec. Right now, it's only push based, but I'd like to work with the CloudEvents...

`SlickProjection` currently requires passing a Slick `DatabaseConfig` object, which is a class designed for use with Slick when configuring Slick in a stand alone manner using Slicks own configuration mechanism...