James Roper

Results 120 comments of James Roper

There are a number of issues here. Firstly, I _think_ it is possible to provide a custom thread local scope for ebean, such that the transaction is bound to Play's...

Actually, I just had a look at the genjavadoc plugin - it does a separate invocation of scalac to run, so it's not run as part of a normal compile....

Well, I was wrong about genjavadoc plugin doing a separate invocation of scalac, but here's the configuration required to make it do a separate invocation of scalac: ``` scala object...

> All the env-variables except downwardAPI, might be better using a ConfigMap and then mount them as volumes. Only reason to use configMaps over Environment variables is you can change...

All that said, the current example exposes far too many environment variables, most of those things don't need to be/shouldn't be configurable. It's a result of taking another tool that...

Example implementation: ```scala private def completeWhen[T](predicate: T => Boolean): Flow[T, T, NotUsed] = Flow.fromGraph(new GraphStage[FlowShape[T, T]] { val in = Inlet[T]("CompleteWhen.in") val out = Outlet[T]("CompleteWhen.out") override def shape = FlowShape(in,...

I completely missed that. And I think there's now an inclusive version of takeWhile to implement completeAfter isn't there?

The resolution to this issue may be the issue itself, now that the issue is here, Google and GitHub issues will find it, which would have been enough for me...

This would make using protobufs (and grpc) a lot easier, since protobufs use reflection to implement their equals/hashCode/toString methods, so every protobuf class generated must have all fields allowed for...

Also, this is the error that you currently get: ``` [info] java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get [info] mat scala.None$.get(Option.scala:529) 0s [info] at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:527) [info] at skuber.api.Configuration$.$anonfun$parseKubeconfigStream$11(Configuration.scala:212) [info] at scala.Option.map(Option.scala:230) [info] at skuber.api.Configuration$.toK8SContext$1(Configuration.scala:211) [info]...