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Adds common gamification features such as points, leaderboards, and achievements to a Rails Application
Honor adds support for common gamification features such as points, leaderboards, and achievements.
Honor allows you to easily integrate points, rankings, and leaderboards into your Rails application.
To use Honor, first add it to you Gemfile:
gem 'honor'
And then intall it with bundler by executing:
bundle install
Install and run the migrations:
rails g honor:install
rake db:migrate
Honor is meant to be used with a single model (eg. User, Employee, Person, Company, etc). At this time, using Honor with multiple models is NOT supported.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Honor
Honor adds two new relationships to the receiving model.
has_many :points
has_one :scorecard
Points are generally awarded for various User interactions throughout an application. Honor gives you the ability to provide a message as well as a classification to each point block awarded.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Honor
@user = User.new
# add points to a user
# add points to a user with a bit more description
@user.add_points(25, "Awarded for some awesome action", "Social")
# subtract points to a user
# subtract points to a user with a bit more description
@user.subtract_points(25, "Awarded for some awesome action", "Social")
# Quick Accessors for commone point totals
# If you're fastidious about keeping business logic categories semantic (same case, same spelling, etc), then you can easily total points for a given point category by passing a string representing the category into any of the accessors above:
@user.points_total("Social") # => returns total for points with a category matcing "Social"
There's bond to be situations where you don't have or don't want to instantiate a new "honorable" object (User in the above example), but have access to the User's id....Honorable has you covered. In these cases, Honorable provides class methods similar to the above:
# example user id, could come from an array or whatever
user_id = 1
# add points to a user
Honor::Point.give_to(user_id, 25)
# add points to a user with a bit more description
Honor::Point.give_to(user_id, 25, "Awarded for some awesome action", "Social")
# subtract points to a user
Honor::Point.take_from(user_id, 25)
# subtract points to a user with a bit more description
Honor::Point.take_from(user_id, 25, "Awarded for some awesome action", "Social")
# Quick Accessors for commone point totals (does NOT accept a category at this time)
Every "honorable" object (User in the above examples) has one scorecard that is continually updated whenever a point record is saved. Scorecards keep a running tally of points for:
- daily
- weekly
- monthly
- yearly
- lifetime
From these subsets you can quickly and easily make Ranked Leaderboards that complies with the Standard Competition Ranking system. That is, it takes tied positions into account and adjusts ranks accordingly.
user_ids = current_user.friend_ids_and_me # => an array of user_ids (eg. [1, 5, 2, 23])
@daily_leaderboard = Honor::Scorecard.leaderboard(user_ids, rank_by: 'daily', sort_direction: 'desc')
@weekly_leaderboard = Honor::Scorecard.leaderboard(user_ids, rank_by: 'weekly', sort_direction: 'desc')
@monthly_leaderboard = Honor::Scorecard.leaderboard(user_ids, rank_by: 'monthly', sort_direction: 'desc')
@yearly_leaderboard = Honor::Scorecard.leaderboard(user_ids, rank_by: 'yearly', sort_direction: 'desc')
Honor provides the Scorecards class with some utility methods useful for setting cron jobs to automate cleaning-up the scorecards.
Honor uses RSpec for its test coverage. Inside the gem directory, you can run the specs with:
- Add Badges / Achievement functionality
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create new Pull Request