Jonathan Ragan-Kelley

Results 18 issues of Jonathan Ragan-Kelley

Two things I wish the Save Image option could do: 1. Store the prompt and other settings in metadata. Even just logging the full set of arguments in an EXIF...

+1 for an iPhone fork. Same UI, same everything, just a crazy simple background noise app for iPhone with nice brownian noise. (I agree, it is good.)

ircamp is an awesome start. However, in the case where multiple people want to use IRC, it currently appears to require a dedicated instance, and, more significantly, a dedicated _room_...


The Campfire-IRC bridge would feel much more native if each Campfire message were relayed to IRC from a nick dedicated to the originating user (rather than sending all from a...


QuickCursor would be all the more useful if it could support more applications. The existing accessibility-based mechanism is effective for many applications, but, as noted, not some critical ones like...

Running the latest , requests seem to spin forever waiting for data in on line 82 of `phone`. Testing manually, `urllib.urlopen(your,params).read()` never returns anything. `curl -k -u my:keys -d"label=phonepipe&title=Hi&msg=Message&uri="`...

I'm interested in this as an alternative to on iOS 9. I suspect I'm not the only one who'd love to see content blocker and cookie integration by switching...

Dropbox, Google Drive, and others support file versions in their APIs. They are less rich than b2's versions (I believe Dropbox's versions are read-only, for example), but accessing them would...

help wanted