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Results 3 gradient-halide issues
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When using make to install halide ```/home/zendevil/Desktop/gradient-halide/src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp: In lambda function: /home/zendevil/Desktop/gradient-halide/src/CodeGen_LLVM.cpp:1092:46: error: ‘createThreadSanitizerPass’ was not declared in this scope pm.add(createThreadSanitizerPass()); ^ At global scope: cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option...

Hi, Being a (gradient) Halide newbie, I've only made some simple stuff yet, but I've come across an issue with the SimpleAutoScheduler I don't understand. I later discovered that I...

Hi, I want to test some operators with auto-scheduler. So currently, we have an auto-scheduler in halide master branch and a simple auto-scheduler here. I know this simple auto-scheduler also...