ucblogo-code copied to clipboard
Berkeley Logo interpreter
It was nice to see that with 6.2.4 the annoying problem in the documentation index that caused the remainder of the document to be indexed somewhere under the Logical Operations...
The jpeg library is not present, and when manually built and installed, it is an ARM but USBLogo needs an X86 version (I am assuming that the UCBLogo binary is...
``` ? make "a something ? ask :a [have "bar] ? ask :a [make "bar "baz] ? ask :a [show mynamep "bar] ; [1] true ? show mynamep "bar ;...
Is this a bug? ``` ? to g > localmake "foo "bar > local "foo > show :foo > end g defined ? g foo has no value in g...
In the manual section "8.1 Procedure Definition", optional inputs are represented by the following notation: `[:inputname default.value.expression]` The following notation is on the other side valid: `[inputname default.value.expression]` as can...
The `IF` command outputs the result of the instruction list if the condition is `TRUE`. That enables the user to, for example: ``` MAKE "MESSAGE IF :USERNAME = "jsmith ["Welcome!]...
New procedures are not loaded until the editor is relaunched. Repeat by: seteditor "C:\\Users\\sdb\\Downloads\\emacs-26.1-x86_64\\bin\\runemacs.exe make "LOADNOISILY "TRUE edit "something Create definitions, save file, exit emacs. No definitions are loaded. edit...
``` to vardef make "a 42 show a end ``` When done in the logo terminal, it successfully outputs "42". However, when done in the wxwidgets editor, it outputs ```...
Run UCBLogo.app (MacOS). Enter `label "abc`. See that `abc` appears far from turtle position.