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Problem when using selectize together with a google translate snippet
Hello, I'm using the following snippet on my site to enable google translate:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({
pageLanguage: 'el',
includedLanguages: 'en',
layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE
}, 'google_translate_element');
Now, when I try to use the selectize widget I get the following warning and a similar error:
chunk-65OJRBX6.js:1 Could not read stylesheet, try adding crossorigin="anonymous" CSSStyleSheet {ownerRule: null, type: 'text/css', href: '…=AN8SPfq5gedF4FIOWZgYyMCNZA5tU966ig/m=el_main_css', ownerNode: link, parentStyleSheet: null, …}cssRules: (...)disabled: falsehref: ""media: MediaList {length: 0, mediaText: ''}ownerNode: linkownerRule: nullparentStyleSheet: nullrules: (...)title: nulltype: "text/css"[[Prototype]]: CSSStyleSheet DOMException: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
at Object.i [as convertPseudoClasses] (
chunk-65OJRBX6.js:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
at Object.d [as stylesAreInstalled] (
at new ke (
at tt.connectedCallback (
at n (
This results to broken styles of the selectize element.
Please notice that if I remove the google translate snippet everything seems to be working fine.
Thank you
Interesting problem.
Just for curiosity, what are you using the Google-Translate script for?
This script adds a button to your site that will translate it using google translate (similar to this It is useful if you've got an app that doesn't support i18n but needs to be used by other people. It isn't perfect but it's better than nothing...