gdx-smart-font copied to clipboard
Scaling issue with FitViewport
I have implemented your lib with my libgdx game but the font scales out of proportion when I use a FitViewport with my own world co-ordinates as shown in the 2 images below.
The first image shows when I don't use my FitViewport and the second one shows when I do. Kindly assist. My entire game uses the FitViewport but text simply isn't sharp...
I simply want the text in my game to scale like the first image but when using a viewport
public class ExampleMain implements Screen {
Start app;
public void show() {
SmartFontGenerator fontGen = new SmartFontGenerator(app);
FileHandle exoFile = Gdx.files.internal("fonts/OpenSans.ttf");
BitmapFont fontSmall = fontGen.createFont(exoFile, "exo-small", 24);
BitmapFont fontMedium = fontGen.createFont(exoFile, "exo-medium", 48);
BitmapFont fontLarge = fontGen.createFont(exoFile, "exo-large", 64);
//1st image
//This one causes text to display correctly but doesn't use the FitViewport
stage = new Stage();
//2nd image
//This one causes text to display incorrectly but uses the FitViewport (
stage = new Stage(app.viewport);
This is how I have set up my viewports...
public class Start extends Game {
public void create()
screenWidth =;
screenHeight =;
gameHeight = screenHeight / (screenWidth / gameWidth);
midPointY = (int) (gameHeight / 2);
camera = new OrthographicCamera();
camera.setToOrtho(true, gameWidth, gameHeight);
//viewport = new ExtendViewport(360, 1, camera);
viewport = new FitViewport(gameWidth, gameHeight, camera);
Any ideas? Thanks.