are those sections of the bee totally black?
I'm thinking the transparent part in your hand is due to those sections being solid black... I'm not sure about the inventory slot thing.
Could you try with the latest release?
what really? even 1.11.2? I know I fixed it 1.11.2 where you sit up where you should with vanilla horses.
p.p.s i will prefix as I see fit.
Rainbow controller models, reticle wrong in menus, transparent box attached to gui, other weirdness.
yea im gonna go with common software, maybe like overclocking software. Also possibly GPU driver/control panel settings. Something opengl related.
The precision is not set on a readout by readout basis, it's tied to the type of unit (speed, mass, force, distance, etc). Would require a major overhaul to have...
My advice is run the installer
Minecraft requires java and installs its own copy into its program files directory. You could use the command line to run that javaw.exe and pass the installer as a parameter....