Will be fixed in next build. In the meantime you can stop your server, edit the config.yml, then start server and it will take the new values.
Fixed in build 46
Once you make a blacksmith the settings for that blacksmith are saved in the citizens saves.yml. the defaults only apply to newly created blacksmith.
Some Denizen command syntax's have changed in 0.7 builds. you need to wrap all CHAT text in quotes. http://wiki.citizensnpcs.net/Denizen/0.7/Migration
Its the minecraft skin server. it's been flaky since 1.3. Nothing to do with your server or Citizens.
this is always a conflicting plugin. I know PEX/modifyworld is one problem.
Be sure and grab the latest build from here http://ci.citizensnpcs.com/view/Characters/job/Blacksmith/ should fix this.
Read the wiki.
We actually fixed that mixin failure on our end but the other mixin in ServerPlayerEntity fails as well due to the insertion point being a Forge method call.
the animations are due for a improvement pass. Will look into that. You're playing with 'reverse hands' turned on?