markdown-mode copied to clipboard
Markdown mode leads to heavy input lag
Since a recent emacs update, markdown mode leads to heavy input lag when editing inside a list. This makes it basically unusable, I've uninstalled it for now.
Expected Behavior
Everything I type should appear on the screen immediately.
Actual Behavior
There is noticeable input lag, making editing quite painful.
Steps to Reproduce
- open a markdown file like
- go to somewhere inside the first list of changes, and start typing
Software Versions
- Markdown mode: 20230830.1338
- emacs: 29.1+1-5
- OS: Debian testing
I can confirm this issue. Running emacs profiler I get the following results:
- Memory-Profiler-Report
42,604,780 81% + redisplay_internal (C function)
8,102,036 15% + command-execute
1,833,645 3% + jit-lock--antiblink-post-command
43,728 0% + timer-event-handler
4,144 0% internal-echo-keystrokes-prefix
24 0% + eldoc-schedule-timer
0 0% ...
- CPU-Profiler-Report
24573 94% + redisplay_internal (C function)
1122 4% + command-execute
115 0% + ...
37 0% + jit-lock--antiblink-post-command
22 0% + timer-event-handler
I suspect you're running into #691
Can you try expanding the profile reports and see if you end up isolating the font-lock-*
functions as culprit?
I suspect you're running into #691
Can you try expanding the profile reports and see if you end up isolating the
functions as culprit?
I uninstalled markdown-mode after I posted the comment above as it was getting in the way of whatever it was that I was in the middle of. I've reinstalled it now and tried to look at different Markdown files on my system, but was unable to find the culprit.
I will keep Markdown-mode installed and run the report if I come across the issue again.
Thanks for your response.
I should have thought of expanding the profile reports at the time, my apologies.
I've downloaded the file suggested by the OP. There is some lag when first loading the file if repeatedly using scroll-up-command
. Once the bottom of the file is reached there is no more lag navigating anywhere in the document. I assume this is to be expected as the file is being fontified. Running profiler points to jit-lock-function
as the cuplrit, and particularly markdown-fontify-*
There was no lag when going somewhere inside the first list of changes and typing.
Based on the profiler report it doesn't seem I was able to replicate whatever happened to me on October 6th.
I can reproduce in any buffer with a lot of _
characters enclosed in backticks. For example, generate a buffer as follows:
(dotimes (n 1000)
(insert "`my_test_string`\n"))
then observe that running (font-lock-debug-fontify)
takes a long time (12 seconds for me, and also appears to be quadratic in the number of lines).
The heavy time-takers seem to be markdown-match-italic
and, in particular, its call to markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
For some reason I can't explain, the loss-of-interactivity issue can be worked around by turning on jit-lock-debug-mode
in the buffer.
Same issue here: latest markdown-mode crawls to a near halt on a fast machine when editing inside of lists (e.g. this file). And I can confirm, turning on jit-lock-debug-mode
solves it entirely. Without it, if I hold down a key (with my fast repeat), I get <1 cps. With it, >50cps.
I profiled. Much of the time is spent in GC, but markdown-match-bold
also seems to be a hot-spot:
5647 65% - ...
5647 65% Automatic GC
2459 28% - redisplay_internal (C function)
2402 27% - jit-lock-function
2398 27% - jit-lock-fontify-now
2332 26% - jit-lock--run-functions
2332 26% - run-hook-wrapped
2330 26% - #<compiled -0x1576faa4ebbd38c3>
2313 26% - font-lock-fontify-region
2309 26% - font-lock-default-fontify-region
2223 25% - font-lock-fontify-keywords-region
1180 13% + markdown-match-bold
220 2% + markdown-match-italic
133 1% + markdown-fontify-plain-uris
94 1% + markdown-match-code
79 0% + markdown-fontify-inline-links
61 0% + markdown-fontify-sub-superscripts
50 0% + markdown-match-html-tag
43 0% + #<compiled 0x1caac574dd64597e>
28 0% + markdown-fontify-list-items
26 0% markdown-match-declarative-metadata
23 0% markdown-match-pandoc-metadata
9 0% markdown-match-inline-attributes
7 0% + markdown-fontify-angle-uris
7 0% + markdown-fontify-blockquotes
6 0% markdown-match-yaml-metadata-begin
5 0% markdown-match-gfm-close-code-blocks
5 0% markdown-match-includes
5 0% + markdown-fontify-gfm-code-blocks
4 0% markdown-match-escape
4 0% + markdown-fontify-reference-links
4 0% markdown-match-yaml-metadata-key
3 0% markdown-fontify-headings
3 0% + markdown-fontify-hrs
3 0% markdown-match-fenced-start-code-block
3 0% markdown-match-yaml-metadata-end
3 0% markdown-match-fenced-end-code-block
2 0% markdown-match-gfm-open-code-blocks
2 0% + eval
2 0% markdown-match-pre-blocks
1 0% + markdown-fontify-fenced-code-blocks
1 0% #<compiled 0xda56985e5828f>
27 0% + font-lock-unfontify-region
19 0% + font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region
4 0% + font-lock-extend-region-wholelines
2 0% font-lock-extend-region-multiline
58 0% + run-with-timer
1 0% #<compiled 0x1982939eea8f>
56 0% + eval
470 5% + command-execute
73 0% + timer-event-handler
3 0% + jit-lock--antiblink-post-command
1 0% help-command-error-confusable-suggestions
I can also confirm, turning on jit-lock-debug-mode
solves it. Here's my profiler report before turning off jit-lock-debug-mode
Samples % Function
1359 65% - redisplay_internal (C function)
1359 65% - jit-lock-function
1359 65% - jit-lock-fontify-now
1359 65% - jit-lock--run-functions
1359 65% - #<compiled -0x156ee42e70414b83>
1359 65% - font-lock-fontify-region
1355 65% - font-lock-default-fontify-region
1323 64% - font-lock-fontify-keywords-region
1111 53% - markdown-match-italic
1099 53% - markdown-match-italic
1091 52% - markdown-match-italic
1091 52% - markdown-match-italic
1083 52% - markdown-match-italic
1083 52% - markdown-match-italic
1083 52% - markdown-match-italic
1071 51% - markdown-match-italic
860 41% - markdown-match-italic
844 40% - markdown-match-italic
840 40% - markdown-match-italic
836 40% - markdown-match-italic
836 40% - markdown-match-italic
516 25% - markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
516 25% - markdown-inline-code-at-pos
512 24% - markdown-match-code
504 24% - markdown-search-until-condition
124 6% - #<compiled 0x1f00e4862f9e715a>
72 3% + markdown-code-block-at-pos
320 15% + markdown-match-italic
4 0% + markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
16 0% + markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
211 10% + markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
4 0% + markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
8 0% + markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
8 0% + markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
8 0% + markdown-inline-code-at-pos-p
4 0% markdown-match-inline-generic
40 1% + markdown-fontify-list-items
28 1% markdown-match-declarative-metadata
24 1% markdown-match-pandoc-metadata
24 1% + markdown-match-math-double
20 0% + markdown-match-code
20 0% + markdown-fontify-sub-superscripts
20 0% + markdown-fontify-plain-uris
12 0% markdown-match-bold
8 0% font-lock-prepend-text-property
8 0% + markdown-match-math-single
4 0% + markdown-fontify-angle-uris
4 0% markdown-match-inline-attributes
4 0% font-lock-fontify-syntactically-region
It seems like jit-lock-debug-mode
isn't actually a workaround. It effectively turns off highlighting, which improves performance at the cost of functionality.
True, I hadn't realized that.
Oh well, it is still useful to know for when I need to edit markdown files.
I have to get to something else so I can't bisect to find the right setting, but one of these four defcustom
s fixed it for me:
(use-package markdown-mode
:ensure t
:mode ("README\\.md\\'" . gfm-mode)
(markdown-italic-underscore nil)
(markdown-enable-html nil)
(markdown-enable-math nil)
(markdown-gfm-use-electric-backquote nil))