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Order Id reference on Amend/Cancels
Very useful app this, just wondering if it would be possible to add in a feature so the Original Client Order ID (41) gets auto populated if you select the 35=D message and then select a cancel/replace from that.
It would also be useful to auto generate the Client Order ID (tag 11.
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Thanks for the suggestion! Would you be able to clarify what you mean by: "if you select the 35=D message and then select a cancel/replace from that." ?
Do you mean that if you create an order message and then create a cancel/replace after that, the previous Client Order ID (11) should be copied over to Original Client Order ID (41) of the new message?
danhughes1961 Hi, sorry for the late response - i've been on vacation !
Yes, that is what i meant, so for example if you create a new order, then click on it and then select cancel/replace or cancel it would be great if the previous order tag 11 got populated into 41 automatically. Also, an auto generated tag 11 would be excellent (maybe date/time) ? If i had any development skills i would try to do this myself, but i am sadly lacking that department !
pritesh.gala As a suggestion, on selecting a new order and then selecting a cancel/replace. Prepare a new 35=G message, by taking all the values from New Order message (For Eg tag 40, Tag 44, Tag 38). So now i have to change only the modification tags rather than entering values for all the tags again.
We have a component called MemberPanelCache which stores the previous field/value pairs for a message type -- we can probably extend this across message types.