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Message preview window shows one row for certain messages, unable to resize window
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- Receive a 35=W message with >250 chars (note, some 35=W messages with >250 chars will not show this issue. It's difficult to tell what exactly it is about the message that causes this)
- Open message preview by double clicking message in message list
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The text box for previewing the message is only one row big. Scroll bar exists on the side to scroll through but you can only scroll through one line at a time. Essentially makes this functionality useless. Compare this to a 35=V message of similar size - text box is enlarged to encompass entire message.
Having the ability to at least resize this window would suffice.
What version of the product are you using? Using which Java version? On what operating system? Quickfix Messenger 2.0 Java: 1.8.0_31-b13 Windows 7
Please provide any additional information below. Note I use the examples of 35=V and 35=W above. These seem to show the behaviour consistently but there does not seem to be any pattern as to which messages get the window fully expanded and which don't.
I have tried using normal look and feel and also with '-useSystemLaF=true' set. Same behaviour.
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Might be a JVM bug -- needs to be investigated.