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SIMPL+ modules
SIMPL+ modules
This module allows you to load settings from a file. The file can be loaded to the processor using the Toolbox File Manager. The default path and filename is \User\settings.txt.
Add additional digital or serial values with ALT+.
Values in the file need to consist of:
[start of line][string]:[value][end of line]
and any lines that do not match this format will be ignored. This allows you to add comments documenting the file.
When loading in digital values you can create a NOT for each of them, and then pass both the raw and NOTed version through a buffer controlled by the load_os signal. These can be passed into Toggles such that the raw buffered version goes to [set] and the NOTed buffered version goes to [reset] and clock is the driving button from the UI.
When loading strings for use with numeric-string-to-analog.usp us a Make String Permanent symbol.
Using the second parameter it is possible to set a delimiter and include default values along with the variable names.
This can be combined with settings-from-file.usp to allow the loading of analog values.