copied to clipboard
Download imported default theme background-image: undefined
In ThemeRoller I select:
Import > Import Default Theme > (Save the imported css to file) > Import > Download theme.
In the saved css file: .... .ui-icon-plus, .ui-icon-minus, .ui-icon-delete, .ui-icon-arrow-r, .ui-icon-arrow-l, .ui-icon-arrow-u, .ui-icon-arrow-d, .ui-icon-check, .ui-icon-gear, .ui-icon-refresh, .ui-icon-forward, .ui-icon-back, .ui-icon-grid, .ui-icon-star, .ui-icon-alert, .ui-icon-info, .ui-icon-home, .ui-icon-search, .ui-icon-searchfield:after, .ui-icon-checkbox-off, .ui-icon-checkbox-on, .ui-icon-radio-off, .ui-icon-radio-on { background-image: url(images/icons-36-white.png);
In the downloaded theme css .... .ui-icon-plus, .ui-icon-minus, .ui-icon-delete, .ui-icon-arrow-r, .ui-icon-arrow-l, .ui-icon-arrow-u, .ui-icon-arrow-d, .ui-icon-check, .ui-icon-gear, .ui-icon-refresh, .ui-icon-forward, .ui-icon-back, .ui-icon-grid, .ui-icon-star, .ui-icon-alert, .ui-icon-info, .ui-icon-home, .ui-icon-search, .ui-icon-searchfield:after, .ui-icon-checkbox-off, .ui-icon-checkbox-on, .ui-icon-radio-off, .ui-icon-radio-on { background-image: undefined /{global-large-icon-set}/;
Additionally colors have changed between the saved css and downloaded theme. The undefined property looks like a bug but I'm not sure what to make of the color changes.
Ok. So I just pushed a change that should fix the icon problem. However, when I tried to recreate the bug, I didn't see any difference in colors within the theme files. Can you include a couple pastebins?
Maybe I screwed up but here is what I get.
Original css: .ui-body-e, .ui-overlay-e { border: 1px solid #F7C942 /{e-body-border}/; color: #222222 /{e-body-color}/;
Downloaded theme:
.ui-overlay-e { border: 1px solid #F7C942 /{e-body-border}/; color: #333333 /{e-body-color}/;
Original css: Downloaded theme: