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Feature Request: Documentation for react-widgets-moment
I miss more documentation about the react-widgets-moment package, e.g. momentLocalizer
Would be very nice if you could extend the current docs.
docs are here!
@jquense the doc is hardly working..
Moment format props accept strings
<DatePicker format="mmm YYY" />
I don't understand the meaning. format
is not a valid prop of DatePicker. Passing format in doesn't do anything.
I'm using:
"react-widgets": "^5.5.0",
"react-widgets-moment": "^5.0.10",
ok so I found it, it should be
<DatePicker valueDisplayFormat="mmm YYY" valueEditFormat="mmm YYY" />
@jquense Where does that <Localization />
component from the examples come from?