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Quick and dirty multi column LIKE searches.

= Simple Column Search

Quick and dirty multi column LIKE searches. Great for prototyping auto-completers as it handles partial matches and adding search terms refines the results.

Running lots of queries or have a large data set? You should probably upgrade to a real search back-end already!

== Examples

Add a search method to your model by calling simple_column_search with the fields you want to search.

class User simple_column_search :first_name, :last_name end

Search for a single value across all searched columns.'eli') # => anyone with first or last name starting with eli'miller') # => anyone with first or last name starting with miller

Refine the search by adding another search term.'eli miller') # => anyone with first or last name starting with eli AND # anyone with first or last name starting with miller

Specify query match mode. Use :exact, :start, :middle, or :end (default is :start).

class User simple_column_search :name, :match => :exact end

Specify query match based on column name.

class User simple_column_search :name, :email, :match => lambda { |column| column == :email ? :middle : :start }, end

Escape query string before issuing the search request.

class User simple_column_search :name, :escape => lambda { |query| query.gsub(/[^\w\s-.']/, '').strip } end

== Install

As a Rails plugin.

./script/plugin install git://

Prefer gems? Add this to your environment.rb and run the following command.

config.gem 'simple_column_search'

$ rake gems:install

== Docs

Homepage:: License:: Copyright (c) 2008 Elijah Miller mailto:[email protected], released under the MIT license.