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PyTest failure in Python 3.11 and above caused by calling a method that throws in a generated class
Currently, to see results from PyTest failures caused by an Exception with a cause in Python 3.11 and above, I need to have this @JImplementationFor
class _JavaException:
def __cause__(self):
return Exception()
To reproduce:
Python test:
def test_exception_with_cause():
from org.example import Example
consumer = example.getConsumer()
Java class:
package org.example
public class Example {
private static final String className = "org.acme.GeneratedClass";
private static final ClassLoader classLoader = new ClassLoader() {
public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (name.equals(className)) {
byte[] bytecode = getClassBytecode();
return defineClass(name, bytecode, 0, bytecode.length);
return super.loadClass(name);
private static byte[] getClassBytecode() {
String className = "org.acme.GeneratedClass";
String internalClassName = className.replace('.', '/');
ClassWriter classWriter = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES | ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
classWriter.visit(Opcodes.V17, Modifier.PUBLIC, internalClassName, null, Type.getInternalName(Object.class), new String[] { Type.getInternalName(
MethodVisitor methodVisitor = classWriter.visitMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, "<init>", Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE), null, null);
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, Type.getInternalName(Object.class), "<init>", Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE),
methodVisitor.visitMaxs(0, 0);
methodVisitor = classWriter.visitMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, "accept", Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, Type.getType(
Object.class)), null, null);
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0);
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1);
methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, Type.getInternalName(String.class));
methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, internalClassName, "accept",
Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, Type.getType(String.class)), false);
methodVisitor.visitMaxs(0, 0);
// Generates throw new RuntimeException(message)
methodVisitor = classWriter.visitMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, "accept", Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, Type.getType(String.class)), null, null);
methodVisitor.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, Type.getInternalName(RuntimeException.class));
methodVisitor.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 1);
methodVisitor.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, Type.getInternalName(RuntimeException.class), "<init>",
Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE, Type.getType(String.class)), false);
methodVisitor.visitMaxs(0, 0);
return classWriter.toByteArray();
public static Consumer<String> getConsumer() throws Throwable {
Class<? extends Consumer<String>> generatedClass = (Class<? extends Consumer<String>>) classLoader.loadClass(className);
return generatedClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
Exception from PyTest:
INTERNALERROR> Traceback (most recent call last):
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 285, in wrap_session
INTERNALERROR> session.exitstatus = doit(config, session) or 0
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 339, in _main
INTERNALERROR> config.hook.pytest_runtestloop(session=session)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 501, in __call__
INTERNALERROR> return self._hookexec(, self._hookimpls.copy(), kwargs, firstresult)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 119, in _hookexec
INTERNALERROR> return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 138, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> raise exception.with_traceback(exception.__traceback__)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 121, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> teardown.throw(exception) # type: ignore[union-attr]
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 806, in pytest_runtestloop
INTERNALERROR> return (yield) # Run all the tests.
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 102, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> res = hook_impl.function(*args)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 364, in pytest_runtestloop
INTERNALERROR> item.config.hook.pytest_runtest_protocol(item=item, nextitem=nextitem)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 501, in __call__
INTERNALERROR> return self._hookexec(, self._hookimpls.copy(), kwargs, firstresult)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 119, in _hookexec
INTERNALERROR> return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 138, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> raise exception.with_traceback(exception.__traceback__)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 121, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> teardown.throw(exception) # type: ignore[union-attr]
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 111, in pytest_runtest_protocol
INTERNALERROR> return (yield)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 121, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> teardown.throw(exception) # type: ignore[union-attr]
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/assertion/", line 175, in pytest_runtest_protocol
INTERNALERROR> return (yield)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 121, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> teardown.throw(exception) # type: ignore[union-attr]
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 401, in pytest_runtest_protocol
INTERNALERROR> res = yield
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 121, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> teardown.throw(exception) # type: ignore[union-attr]
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 85, in pytest_runtest_protocol
INTERNALERROR> return (yield)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 102, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> res = hook_impl.function(*args)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 115, in pytest_runtest_protocol
INTERNALERROR> runtestprotocol(item, nextitem=nextitem)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 134, in runtestprotocol
INTERNALERROR> reports.append(call_and_report(item, "call", log))
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 242, in call_and_report
INTERNALERROR> report: TestReport = ihook.pytest_runtest_makereport(item=item, call=call)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 501, in __call__
INTERNALERROR> return self._hookexec(, self._hookimpls.copy(), kwargs, firstresult)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 119, in _hookexec
INTERNALERROR> return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 138, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> raise exception.with_traceback(exception.__traceback__)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 121, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> teardown.throw(exception) # type: ignore[union-attr]
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 317, in pytest_runtest_makereport
INTERNALERROR> rep = yield
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 121, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> teardown.throw(exception) # type: ignore[union-attr]
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 268, in pytest_runtest_makereport
INTERNALERROR> rep = yield
INTERNALERROR> File ".../pluggy/", line 102, in _multicall
INTERNALERROR> res = hook_impl.function(*args)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 367, in pytest_runtest_makereport
INTERNALERROR> return TestReport.from_item_and_call(item, call)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 364, in from_item_and_call
INTERNALERROR> longrepr = item.repr_failure(excinfo)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 1814, in repr_failure
INTERNALERROR> return self._repr_failure_py(excinfo, style=style)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/", line 464, in _repr_failure_py
INTERNALERROR> return excinfo.getrepr(
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/_code/", line 699, in getrepr
INTERNALERROR> return fmt.repr_excinfo(self)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/_code/", line 1064, in repr_excinfo
INTERNALERROR> reprtraceback = self.repr_traceback(excinfo_)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/_code/", line 993, in repr_traceback
INTERNALERROR> entries = [
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/_code/", line 994, in <listcomp>
INTERNALERROR> self.repr_traceback_entry(entry, excinfo if last == entry else None)
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/_code/", line 948, in repr_traceback_entry
INTERNALERROR> reprfileloc = ReprFileLocation(path, entry.lineno + 1, message)
INTERNALERROR> ^^^^^^^^^^^^
INTERNALERROR> File ".../_pytest/_code/", line 212, in lineno
INTERNALERROR> return self._rawentry.tb_lineno - 1
INTERNALERROR> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~
INTERNALERROR> TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'NoneType' and 'int'
This should be simple to fix. The problem should be in native/common/jp_exception.cpp where we set the exception information. tb_lineno is one of the fields we set. My guess it that we didn’t have a line number in the compiled code so we left it as NULL. The PyTest code may incorrect as it is blindly assuming that the result can’t be None, which I don’t see as a requirement in the spec. I will need to investigate further and read the some PEPs.
I was unable to replicate the issue from your example. I get
______________________________________________ test_exception_with_cause _______________________________________________ java.lang.IllegalStateException: cause
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
> throw new IllegalStateException("test", new IllegalStateException("cause"));
E Exception: Java Exception Exception
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
def test_exception_with_cause():
example = jpype.JClass('Example')
> example.throwingMethod()
E java.lang.IllegalStateException: test java.lang.IllegalStateException
At this point, I am almost certain this is a pytest bug, since this code still cause the internal error:
def test_reproducer():
raise Exception
Forgot that raise Exception
is a short for raise Exception from last_raise_exception
. Managed to get a minimal reproducer; it has to do with generated classes;
Reproducer is
If the generated class has source information
(i.e. classWriter.visitSource("", "debug");
and methodVisitor.visitLineNumber(0, line);
then the exception does not occur.
Unfortunately I got
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[ERROR] [ERROR] Some problems were encountered while processing the POMs:
[FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for org.optaplanner:DroolsExecutableReproducer:8.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.optaplanner:optaplanner-build-parent:pom:8.0.0-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM @ line 7, column 11
[ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] The project org.optaplanner:DroolsExecutableReproducer:8.0.0-SNAPSHOT (/mnt/c/Users/nelson85/Documents/devel/open/jpype/issue/pom.xml) has 1 error
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for org.optaplanner:DroolsExecutableReproducer:8.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.optaplanner:optaplanner-build-parent:pom:8.0.0-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM @ line 7, column 11 -> [Help 2]
So I was unable to build the reproducer to verify the test. Sorry! I will try again next weekend to see if I can sort out what is going on. Unfortunately, as I don't use maven it doesn't make much sense to me.
The specific call where we mess with linenum is in native/common/jp_exception.cpp
PyObject *tb_create(
PyObject *last_traceback,
PyObject *dict,
const char* filename,
const char* funcname,
int linenum)
// Create a code for this frame. (ref count is 1)
JPPyObject code = JPPyObject::accept((PyObject*)PyCode_NewEmpty(filename, funcname, linenum));
// If we don't get the code object there is no point
if (code.get() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
// Create a frame for the traceback.
PyThreadState *state = PyThreadState_GET();
PyFrameObject *pframe = PyFrame_New(state, (PyCodeObject*) code.get(), dict, NULL);
JPPyObject frame = JPPyObject::accept((PyObject*)pframe);
// If we don't get the frame object there is no point
if (frame.get() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
// Create a traceback
JPPyObject lasti = JPPyObject::claim(PyLong_FromLong(pframe->f_lasti));
JPPyObject lasti = JPPyObject::claim(PyLong_FromLong(PyFrame_GetLasti(pframe)));
JPPyObject linenuma = JPPyObject::claim(PyLong_FromLong(linenum));
JPPyObject tuple = JPPyObject::call(PyTuple_Pack(4, Py_None, frame.get(), lasti.get(), linenuma.get()));
JPPyObject traceback = JPPyObject::accept(PyObject_Call((PyObject*) &PyTraceBack_Type, tuple.get(), NULL));
// We could fail in process
if (traceback.get() == nullptr)
return nullptr;
return traceback.keep();
As you can see we are calling the constructor with a valid traceback linenum. If there is a problem then most likely traceback changed its signature starting in 3.11 and we would need to adjust the constructor call to account for it. I scanned the Python code base and don't see an errors in the handoff (though admittedly the code is very ugly....)
PyObject *argsbuf[4];
PyObject * const *fastargs;
Py_ssize_t nargs = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args);
PyObject *tb_next;
PyFrameObject *tb_frame;
int tb_lasti;
int tb_lineno;
fastargs = _PyArg_UnpackKeywords(_PyTuple_CAST(args)->ob_item, nargs, kwargs, NULL, &_parser, 4, 4, 0, argsbuf);
if (!fastargs) {
goto exit;
tb_next = fastargs[0];
if (!PyObject_TypeCheck(fastargs[1], &PyFrame_Type)) {
_PyArg_BadArgument("TracebackType", "argument 'tb_frame'", (&PyFrame_Type)->tp_name, fastargs[1]);
goto exit;
tb_frame = (PyFrameObject *)fastargs[1];
tb_lasti = _PyLong_AsInt(fastargs[2]);
if (tb_lasti == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) { <=== BAD THING HAPPENS HERE IF THERE IS ALREADY AN EXCEPTION
goto exit;
tb_lineno = _PyLong_AsInt(fastargs[3]);
if (tb_lineno == -1 && PyErr_Occurred()) {
goto exit;
return_value = tb_new_impl(type, tb_next, tb_frame, tb_lasti, tb_lineno);
As you can see form this code it may be the same error as in the PR. There is a potential the lost exception is tripping a problem in the copied traceback. But if that was the case the traceback would have failed without producing, and not one with Py_None in the linenum slot. Thus I still don't have a good explanation for what could be happening here.
I think you checked out the wrong branch; the branch should be jpype-1178
not drools-classloader-reproducer
(which is the default branch)
Ah... will try again later them.
I got
(python3.12-wsl) nelson85@wl-5520983:~/devel/open/jpype/issue$ pytest
======================================================================================= test session starts ========================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.12.0, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0 -- /home/nelson85/env/python3.12-wsl/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /mnt/c/Users/nelson85/Documents/devel/open/jpype
configfile: setup.cfg
collected 2 items
tests/ FAILED [ 50%]
tests/ PASSED [100%]
============================================================================================= FAILURES =============================================================================================
__________________________________________________________________________________________ test_throwing ___________________________________________________________________________________________
> ???
E Exception: Java Exception Exception
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
def test_throwing():
import jpype
import jpype.imports
from org.acme import MyClass
consumer = MyClass.getConsumer()
> consumer.accept('My Error')
E java.lang.RuntimeException: My Error
tests/ java.lang.RuntimeException
===================================================================================== short test summary info ======================================================================================
FAILED tests/ - java.lang.RuntimeException: My Error
=================================================================================== 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.49s ====================================================================================
Is this correct or incorrect?
This is odd,
- Tried
withoutmvn clean install
, got the above result on both this and #1180 (i.e. what is expected if the issue was fixed) - Did
mvn clean install
and recreated venv - Then got
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'NoneType' and 'int'
on both this and #1180
I don't know why it randomly worked then failed after a mvn clean install
This is what it looks like when the internal error happens:
mvn clean install
python -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install JPype1 pytest
===================================================================================== test session starts ======================================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.12.2, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0
rootdir: .../issue-reproducer
collected 2 items
INTERNALERROR> Traceback (most recent call last):
Note the second test is not even run.
any lead on a fix here? I can't reproduce this locally but fails on github actions
I haven't touched it as I have no reproducing method. Could it be a particular version of Python 3.11. They backported some broken behavior in. It was the stuff of nightmares when I was dealing with 3.13 as what was ported in had wotk arounds only in later versions. Hence the comment... "Python 3.11 is dead to me."