react-draft-wysiwyg copied to clipboard
how can I get the path of the image which I upload from local
export default function uploadCallback(file) { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { resolve({ data: { link: "" } }); } ); } <Editor toolbar={{ image: { uploadCallback: this.uploadCallback }}}} />
@niaofei2008: you need to provide your own api to editor for image upload and plug it in using a callback.
uploadCallback(file):the param file has local path of image which i upload?
upload local image ,the "src" is undefinde
Works for me, what kind of image are you uploading ?
@jpuri chose one picture from my computer,src=undefined
I have similar problem with uploaded images, src attribute is unknown after I save content of Editor as html to db and then open it back. I found that this issue happens only if I return relative image path from my promise. If API returns absolute path, everything works as expected.
I believe this is not expected behaviour and relative paths should work as well.
This is how I retrieve html from editorState:
getHtml(editorState) {
const rawContentState = convertToRaw( editorState.getCurrentContent() );
const html = draftToHtml(rawContentState)
return html;
This is how I set content from db to editor:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const html = nextProps.content;
const blocksFromHtml = htmlToDraft(html);
const state = ContentState.createFromBlockArray( blocksFromHtml.contentBlocks );
editor: EditorState.createWithContent(state),
This is my uploadCallback:
uploadImageCallBack(file) {
const form = new FormData();
form.append('photo', file);
const url = Helpers.getServerUrl() + '/upload';
return, form, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('id_token'),
.then(response => {
return {
data: {
link: '/uploads/' +
@jpuri @ondrejrohon How can i deal with this issue? If uploadCallback returns the relative paths, it does works! I think relative paths is necessary. Please help!
No more news on that one? I'm facing the exact same problem :(
EDIT: never mind, all is in the js file object properties. Here is how to retrieve the image data (from the file passed to the uploadCallback callback):
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = () => { // reader.result contains the base64 data of the user selected image };
reader.onerror = error => { ... };