react-draft-wysiwyg icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-draft-wysiwyg copied to clipboard

Unhandled Runtime Error, Invariant Violation: Unknown DraftEntity key: null.

Open SaadAli11 opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

Why does my React application using 'react-draft-wysiwyg' crash when I set an embedded link in the editor, resulting in an error like 'Invariant Violation: Unknown DraftEntity key: null'? How can I troubleshoot and resolve this issue? when i set the embedded link it not show any error but when i get the html again from the backend and set it to the editor it show error.

Here is my Code (check the useEffect that generate the error):


// ** React Imports
import React, {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react'

// ** Third Party Imports
import {EditorState, ContentState, convertFromHTML } from 'draft-js'
import {EditorWrapper} from "src/@core/styles/libs/react-draft-wysiwyg";
import ReactDraftWysiwyg from 'src/@core/components/react-draft-wysiwyg';
import "react-draft-wysiwyg/dist/react-draft-wysiwyg.css";
import convertFromHTMLtoContentBlocks from 'draft-js'

interface MainProps {
  handle: any;
  setHandle: any;

const DescriptionTextEditorControlled = (props: MainProps) =>{

  const {handle,setHandle} = props

  const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(EditorState.createEmpty());

  useEffect(() => {

    if (handle?.description !== null && handle?.description !== undefined) {

      const textToConvert = handle?.description;
      const blocksFromHTML = convertFromHTML(textToConvert);

      const contentState = ContentState.createFromBlockArray(blocksFromHTML.contentBlocks, blocksFromHTML.entityMap);
    else {
      // If handle.description is empty or undefined, clear the editor
    // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  }, []);

  const refEditor = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);

  const handleGetValue = () => {
    const htmlContent = refEditor.current;

      setHandle({...handle, description: htmlContent.innerHTML});

  const handleEditorRef = (ref: any) => {
    if (ref) {
      // Store the editor instance reference in the refEditor
      refEditor.current = ref;

  return (
      <ReactDraftWysiwyg editorState={editorState} onEditorStateChange={setEditorState}  editorRef={handleEditorRef} onChange={handleGetValue}/>

export default DescriptionTextEditorControlled;

SaadAli11 avatar Oct 26 '23 10:10 SaadAli11


SaadAli11 avatar Dec 01 '23 11:12 SaadAli11