Jean-Philippe Raynaud

Results 94 issues of Jean-Philippe Raynaud

## Issue It appears that we need to link the security level given by the protocol parameters to the share of Cardano stakes enrolled in Mithril network. If this is...

idea :bulb:
breaking-change :fire:

## Issue The signer and aggregator nodes should not start signing and gathering stake distribution until the underlying Cardano node is (almost) fully synced

idea :bulb:
mainnet-protocol :rocket:

## Issue If the underlying Cardano node of an aggregator is not running (e.g. it is verifying chain or it is panicking), the aggregator node is panicking as well and...

idea :bulb:
refactoring :hammer_and_wrench:

## Issue Sign a new type of data, the `Cardano Stake Distribution` for the previous epoch ## To do - [ ] Add a new signed entity type (type +...

epic :crossed_swords:

## Issue In order to avoid having registered signer being retired too early, we could create a mechanism a la Cardano for signer retirement: - The SPO adds option to...

idea :bulb:
mainnet-protocol :rocket:
to-groom :thinking:

## Issue When a client start downloading a part of the snapshot archive but stops in the middle of it (e.g 50%), the client when restarting does not use the...

idea :bulb:
optimization :hammer_and_wrench:
to-groom :thinking:
devX :sun_with_face:

## Issue Measure and document the complete footprint of a signer: - signer alone and signer + cardano node - `preview`/`preprod` - `mainnet` (if possible) Minimum information needed: - CPU...

idea :bulb:
documentation :book:
to-groom :thinking:
performances :1st_place_medal:
devX :sun_with_face:

## Issue Implement a rollback feature for deployment to `testing-preview` with a custom GitHub action workflow where we can define the version to be deployed. ## To do - [...

idea :bulb:
optimization :hammer_and_wrench:
CI/CD :factory:
to-plan :calendar:

## Issue When a signer is setup, it is limbo for `2` epochs before being able to sign. This would be a good period of time during which the cache...

idea :bulb:
optimization :hammer_and_wrench:
to-groom :thinking:
devX :sun_with_face:

## Issue During signer registration, we use the `KES Secret Key` and the `Operational Certificate` to verify that the Mithril keys registered are associated to the correct SPO (i.e. owner...

idea :bulb: