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JDBC importer for Elasticsearch
What are the causes of such a situation?
Hi! Which elasticsearch-jdbc vison could support Elasticsearch 2.4.0 ? Thx.
[DEBUG][action.bulk ] [Honey Lemon] [data][7] failed to execute bulk item (index) index {[data][infoes][AVl_M0bfrL3hLyIsMBVi], source[{"id_infoes":11537,"number_infoes":55557,"name_infoes":{"0":0},"age_infoes":18,"gender_infoes":0,"group_infoes":8526}]} MapperParsingException[failed to parse [name_infoes]]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[unknown property [0]]; at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper.parse(FieldMapper.java:329) at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentParser.parseObjectOrField(DocumentParser.java:309) at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentParser.parseObject(DocumentParser.java:326) at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DocumentParser.parseObject(DocumentParser.java:252)...
I am trying to determine the last two steps of the new installation guide > 1. modify script in the bin directory to your needs (Elasticsearch cluster address) > 2....
Hi I am not able to connect remote MySql using jdbc-importer
We have an issue where when we reindex (we reindex the complete data and not the diff from the last update) the data from SQL, the records which are not...
Hi Team, I have a query like how we can fetch and index the data from mysql to ES using this plugin with below mentioned scenario. I ran this plugin...
I have two different tables, for example, user and event. And there are two indices in elasticsearch, index_user and index_event, how to do configuration in .sh files in folder elasticsearch-jdbc/bin?...
Hi Is kibana v5 support planning on being implemented? When is this expectes, when it's GA or earlier? Thanks