SeisIO.jl copied to clipboard
Very slow mseed read time
I'm on SeisIO v1.2.1 and Julia 1.7.0
I have a miniseed file with over 3,000 channels. Loading the file on a windows machine with 32GB RAM is crashing with out of memory error. Ubuntu machine with 64 GB RAM can read the file but read_data
is using a ton of memory and taking much longer than expected:
using SeisIO
@time read_data("mseed","")
194.283458 seconds (395.64 k allocations: 102.749 GiB, 99.57% gc time)
SeisData with 3192 channels (4 shown)
in comparison obspy/libmseed does well with this file
import obspy
621 ms ± 2.61 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
I'm having trouble attaching the file - it's larger than the file share limit (25MB).
Here's how I got it (requires AWS credentials):
using AWS
using AWSS3
aws = AWSConfig(region="us-west-2")
or can be downloaded with the awscli (does not require AWS credentials):
aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://scedc-pds/event_waveforms/2021/2021_357/ .