django-treemenus copied to clipboard
A simple django app to manage navigation menus via the django admin
================= Django Tree Menus
.. image::
This is a simple and generic tree-like menuing system for Django_ with an easy-to-use admin interface. It covers all the essentials for building tree-structured menus and should be enough for a lot of projects. It is also easily extendable if you need to add some special behaviour to your menu items.
django-treemenus works with Django 1.0 and above and with python 2.5 and above.
.. _Django:
Installing an official release
django-treemenus is available on PyPI, and can be installed using Pip::
pip install django-treemenus
Alternatively, official source releases are made available at
Download the .zip distribution file and unpack it. Inside is a script
. Run this command::
python install
...and the package will install automatically.
Installing the development version
If you prefer to update Django Tree Menus occasionally to get the latest bug fixes and improvements before they are included in an official release, do a git clone instead::
git clone
Then add the treemenus
folder to your PYTHONPATH or symlink (junction, if
you're on Windows), such as in your Python's site-packages
Hooking Tree Menus to your project
setting of your Django project. -
Create django-treemenus tables by running the following command from the root of your project::
python syncdb
Create and add your custom templates to your project template folder. These templates are necessary to specify how you want your menus to be displayed on your site (See further below for more details on the use of templates). Some sample templates are also provided in the package to get you started.
Basic use
To build a menu, log into the admin interface, and click "Menus" under the Treemenus application section, then click "Add menu". Give your new menu a name and then save.
Then, to create menu items, click on your menu in the menu list. You will then see a table in the bottom part of the page with only one item: the menu's root. Click "Add an item", select its parent (obviously, since this is the first item you're creating you can only select the root). Fill out the item's details and click "Save". The new item now shows up in the table. Now keep going to build the whole structure of your tree menu by creating as many branches as you like.
When you've finished building your menu from the admin interface, you will have to write the appropriate templates to display the menu on your site (see below).
Templates used by django-treemenus
The views included in django-treemenus use two templates. You need to create
your own templates into your template folder or any folder referenced in the
setting of your project.
Template to specify how to display a menu.
Pointer to the menu to display. You can access its root item withmenu.root_item
. -
(optional) This variable will only be present if it has been specified when calling theshow_menu
template tag. (See the "Template tags" section for more details).
Example for this template::
{% load tree_menu_tags %}
{% ifequal menu_type "unordered-list" %}
{% for menu_item in menu.root_item.children %}
{% show_menu_item menu_item %}
{% endfor %}
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal menu_type "ordered-list" %}
{% for menu_item in menu.root_item.children %}
{% show_menu_item menu_item %}
{% endfor %}
{% endifequal %}
Template to specify how to display a menu item.
Pointer to the menu_item to display. You can directly access all its methods and variables. -
(optional) This variable will only be accessible if it has been specified when calling theshow_menu
template tag (See the "Template tags" section for more details).
Example for this template::
{% load tree_menu_tags %}
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a>
{% if menu_item.children %}
{% for child_item in menu_item.children %}
{% show_menu_item child_item %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Template tags
There a 3 template tags to let you display your menus. To be able to use them you will first have to load the library they are contained in, with::
{% load tree_menu_tags %}
This is the starting point. Call it wherever you want to display your menu (most of the time it will be in your site's base template).
There are two attributes:
Name of the menu to display, as it has been saved via the admin interface. -
This attribute is optional. If it is given it is simply passed to thetreemenus/menu.html
template. It does not have any particular pre-defined function but can be tested with (% ifequal menu_type "sometype" %} to determine how to display the menu (See above example for the templatetreemenus/menu.html
Example of use::
{% show_menu "TopMenu" %}
{% show_menu "LeftMenu" "vertical" %}
{% show_menu "RightMenu" "horizontal" %}
This tag allows you to display a menu item, which is the only attribute.
Example of use::
{% show_menu_item menu_item %}
This tag allows you to reverse the named URL of a menu item, which is passed as a
single string. To know more about named URLs, refer to the Django template documentation
For example, the passed value could be 'latest_news' or 'show_profile', and that
would be reversed to the corresponding URL (as defined in your URLConf).
.. _the Django template documentation:
Example of use::
<li><a href="{% reverse_named_url menu_item.named_url %}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
Attributes and methods
As you've guessed it, you can manipulate two types of objects: menus and menu items. In this section I present their attributes and methods, which you can use in your templates.
There is only one attribute that is available: root_item
, which points to...
you got it, the menu's root item.
Menu item
Returns the menu to which it belongs. -
Returns the item's url.Example of use::
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
Returns the menu item's parent (that is, another menu item). -
Returns the item's rank amongst its siblings. The first item of a branch has a rank of 0, the second one has a rank of 1, etc. To change an item's ranking you can move it up or down through the admin interface.Example of use::
<li><a class="menuitem-{{ menu_item.rank }}" href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
Returns the item's level in the hierarchy. This is automatically calculated by the system. For example, the root item has a level 0, and its children have a level 1.Example of use::
{% ifequal menu_item.level 1 %} <li><a class="top-item" href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li> {% else %} <li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li> {% endifequal %}
Returns the item's caption. -
Use this attribute if you want to use named URLs instead of raw URLs.Example of use::
<li><a href="{% reverse_named_url menu_item.named_url %}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
Returns True if the item has some children, False otherwise. -
Returns a list with the menu item's children, ordered by rank.Example of use::
{% if menu_item.has_children %} <li><a class="daddy" href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a> <ul> {% for child in menu_item.children %} {% show_menu_item child %} {% endfor %} </ul> </li> {% else %} <li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li> {% endif %}
Returns a list with the menu item's siblings (i.e all other items that have the same parent), ordered by rank.
The attributes and methods enumerated above provide the essential behaviour for a tree-structured menu. If that is not enough for you, it is also possible to add customized behaviour by extending the menu item definition. To do so, you need to create a model class that will contain all the extra attributes for your menu items.
To illustrate this, let's say that you'd like to add a published
attribute to your
menu items so that they only show up on your site if published
is turned to True
To do so, create a new application (let's call it menu_extension
), with the following
Then, in
add the following::
from django.db import models
from treemenus.models import MenuItem
class MenuItemExtension(models.Model):
menu_item = models.OneToOneField (MenuItem, related_name="extension")
published = models.BooleanField(default=False)
It is required that your extension object has the attribute menu_item
that is a unique link
to a menu item object. This is what makes the extension possible.
Then you can notice our attribute published
, feel free to add any other attribute there to
customize your menu items.
You then need to create the database table that will store your extension data by adding
setting of your Django project, and then running
the following command from the root of your project::
python syncdb
Now, you need to specify a form to let you edit those extra attributes from the admin interface.
In your project's
or your extension menu app's
, add the following::
from django.contrib import admin
from treemenus.admin import MenuAdmin, MenuItemAdmin
from treemenus.models import Menu
from menu_extension.models import MenuItemExtension
class MenuItemExtensionInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = MenuItemExtension
max_num = 1
class CustomMenuItemAdmin(MenuItemAdmin):
inlines = [MenuItemExtensionInline,]
class CustomMenuAdmin(MenuAdmin):
menu_item_admin_class = CustomMenuItemAdmin # Unregister the standard admin options, CustomMenuAdmin) # Register the new, customized, admin options
And that's it! Now, when creating or editing a menu item, you'll see an inline form with
all the extension attributes (in this example, the published
check box).
Now, if you want to use published
attribute in your template, you need to use the
menu item's extension
method, as follows::
{% if menu_item.extension.published %}
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
Your menu items will now only appear if their published
check box has been ticked.
Using this technique, you can obviously extend your menu items with whatever attribute you'd like. Other examples might be that you want to add special CSS styles to certain menu items, or to make some of them show up only if the user is logged in, etc. Simply add attributes in you extension model and make use of them in your templates to create special behaviour. See the 'Tips and Tricks' section for more ideas.
Tips and tricks
In this section I give some examples on using or extending menus. These may just cover some of your own specific needs or at least inspire you and get you started to make the most out of your menus.
Making your menus multi-lingual is very easy if you use the Django internationalization
module. What you can do is apply the translation to the caption
of a menu_item. For example::
{% load i18n %}
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{% trans menu_item.caption %}</a></li>
Then, add manually the translation entries in your *.po
.. _Django internationalization:
If you use more complex or custom translation systems, you may simply define your extension class (or create it if you don't already have one) with a method to manage the translation, for example::
class MenuItemExtension(models.Model):
menu_item = models.OneToOneField (MenuItem, related_name="extension")
def translation():
translation = do_something_with(self.menu_item.caption)
return translation
And then in your template::
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{% trans menu_item.extension.translation %}</a></li>
Login restriction
If you want to make some of your menus items private and only available to logged in users, that's simple! Simply define your extension class (or create it if you don't already have one) like the following::
class MenuItemExtension(models.Model):
menu_item = models.OneToOneField (MenuItem, related_name="extension")
protected = models.BooleanField(default=False)
And then in your template::
{% if menu_item.extension.protected %}
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
{% endif %}
(assuming that the context variable 'user' represents the currently logged-in user)
Automatically select menu items
Here I'm going to explain how to automatically select a menu item when visiting a given page of your site. This is a good example to illustrate the power of extensions for customizing your menu's behaviour. For this example, let's say that you'd like to visually select the menu item 'Contact' when visiting the url ''
First, define your extension class (or create it if you don't already have one) like the following::
class MenuItemExtension(models.Model):
menu_item = models.OneToOneField (MenuItem, related_name="extension")
selected_patterns = models.TextField(blank=True)
is the attribute which will specify for what urls the menu
item should have the 'selected' status.
Refer to the section on extensions above to see how to hook your extension class
to your menus.
Now, in the admin section, edit the 'Contact' menu item and type the following
line in its selected_patterns
Here we're using regular expressions so that gives us some flexibility to specify
our 'selected' url patterns. Refer to the official python documentation on
regular expressions syntax
_ for more detailed information. In this example we're
only using one regular expression pattern (^/contact/$) but you could add as many
as you'd like by typing a different pattern on each line of the textfield.
.. _regular expressions syntax:
Then, in your menu_item.html
template, use the following 'if' statement::
{% load menu_extension_filters %}
<li><a href="{{ menu_item.url }}" class="{% if menu_item.extension.selected_patterns|match_path:request.path %}selected{% endif %}">{{ menu_item.caption }}</a></li>
With this code, every menu item whose attribute selected_patterns
matches the
current url will be given the 'selected' CSS class (it's up to you to define in
your style sheet what that 'selected' class actually does - maybe change the colour
or the font?). In this example we're allocating a special style to visually
distinguish the selected menu items, but you're obviously free to use the 'if'
statement above to do any form of disctinction you like (for example displaying
all children of a selected menu, etc.)
Don't forget to load the menu_extension_filters
module, which we're going to
create in a moment.
We now need to create the 'match_path' filter. In your menu_extension
application (or whatever name you've given to your menu extension application)
create a directory templatetags
containing two files:
(leave it
empty) and
containing the following code::
import re
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def match_path(patterns, path):
if patterns:
for pattern in patterns.splitlines():
if re.compile(pattern).match(path):
return True
return False
register.filter('match_path', match_path)
What it does is test each pattern on each line of our patterns (remember, you can
add one pattern on each line of the selected_patterns
textfield) and returns
true if any of those matches the given path.
Finally, to be able to access the current url through request.path
in your
template, you need to do 2 things:
- Add
setting (see the Django documentation oncontext processors
_ for more details).
.. _context processors:
- Use a RequestContext object in your views to pass to your templates. (see Django documentation on RequestContext_).
.. _RequestContext:
That's it!!
Please log any issue or bug report at
Julien Phalip
_ (project developer)
.. _Julien Phalip: