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Go + Docker = ♥

Hi! Here are a few interesting and fun things to do with Go and Docker.

Go without go

... And by that, we mean "Go without installing go".

Most of you certainly have the Go compiler and toolchain installed, so you might be wondering "what's the point?"; but there are a few scenarios where this can still be very useful.

  • You still have this old Go 1.2 on your machine (that you can't or won't upgrade), and you have to work on this codebase that requires a newer version of the toolchain.
  • You want to play with cross compilation features of Go 1.5 (for instance, to make sure that you can create OS X binaries from a Linux system).
  • You want to have multiple versions of Go side-by-side, but don't want to completely litter your system.
  • You want to be 100% sure that your project and all its dependencies download, build, and run fine on a clean system.

If any of this is relevant to you, then let's call Docker to the rescue!

Compiling a program in a container

When you have installed Go, you can do go get -v github.com/user/repo to download, build, and install a library. (The -v flag is just here for verbosity, you can remove it if you prefer your toolchain to be swift and silent!)

You can also do go get github.com/user/repo/... (yes, that's three dots) to download, build, and install all the things in that repo (including libraries and binaries).

We can do that in a container!

Try this:

docker run golang go get -v github.com/golang/example/hello/...

This will pull the golang image (unless you have it already; then it will start right away), and create a container based on that image. In that container, go will download a little "hello world" example, build it, and install it. But it will install it in the container ... So how do we run that program now?

Running our program in a container

One solution is to commit the container that we just built, i.e. "freeze" it into a new image:

docker commit $(docker ps -lq) awesomeness

Note: docker ps -lq outputs the ID (and only the ID!) of the last container that was executed. If you are the only uesr on your machine, and if you haven't created another container since the previous command, that container should be the one in which we just built the "hello world" example.

Now, we can run our program in a container based on the image that we just built:

docker run awesomeness hello

The output should be Hello, Go examples!.

Bonus points

When creating the image with docker commit, you can use the --change flag to specify arbitrary Dockerfile commands. For instance, you could use a CMD or ENTRYPOINT command so that docker run awesomeness automatically executes hello.

Running in a throwaway container

What if we don't want to create an extra image just to run this Go program?

We got you covered:

docker run --rm golang sh -c \
    "go get github.com/golang/example/hello/... && exec hello"

Wait a minute, what are all those bells and whistles?

  • --rm tells to the Docker CLI to automatically issue a docker rm command once the container exits. That way, we don't leave anything behind ourselves.
  • We chain together the build step (go get) and the execution step (exec hello) using the shell logical operator &&. If you're not a shell aficionado, && means "and". It will run the first part go get..., and if (and only if!) that part is successful, it will run the second part (exec hello). If you wonder why this is like that: it works like a lazy and evaluator, which needs to evaluate the right hand side only if the left hand side evaluates to true.
  • We pass our commands to sh -c, because if we were to simply do docker run golang "go get ... && hello", Docker would try to execute the program named go SPACE get SPACE etc. and that wouldn't work. So instead, we start a shell and instruct the shell to execute the command sequence.
  • We use exec hello instead of hello: this will replace the current process (the shell that we started) with the hello program. This ensures that hello will be PID 1 in the container, instead of having the shell as PID 1 and hello as a child process. This is totally useless for this tiny example, but when we will run more useful programs, this will allow them to receive external signals properly, since external signals are delivered to PID 1 of the container. What kind of signal, you might be wondering? A good example is docker stop, which sends SIGTERM to PID 1 in the container.

Installing on our system

OK, so what if we want to run the compiled program on our system, instead of in a container?

We could copy the compiled binary out of the container. Note, however, that this will work only if our container architecture matches our host architecture; in other words, if we run Docker on Linux. (I'm leaving out people who might be running Windows Containers!)

The easiest way to get the binary out of the container is to map the $GOPATH/bin directory to a local directory. In the golang container, $GOPATH is /go. So we can do the following:

docker run -v /tmp/bin:/go/bin \
  golang go get github.com/golang/example/hello/...

If you are on Linux, you should see the Hello, Go examples! message. But if you are, for instance, on a Mac, you will probably see:

/tmp/test/hello: cannot execute binary file

What can we do about it?


Go 1.5 comes with outstanding out-of-the-box cross-compilation abilities, so if your container operating system and/or architecture doesn't match your system's, it's no problem at all!

To enable cross-compilation, you need to set GOOS and/or GOARCH.

For instance, assuming that you are on a 64 bits Mac:

docker run -e GOOS=darwin -e GOARCH=amd64 -v /tmp/crosstest:/go/bin \
  golang go get github.com/golang/example/hello/...

The output of cross-compilation is not directly in $GOPATH/bin, but in $GOPATH/bin/$GOOS_$GOARCH. In other words, to run the program, you have to execute /tmp/crosstest/darwin_amd64/hello.

Installing straight to the $PATH

If you are on Linux, you can even install directly to your system bin directories:

docker run -v /usr/local/bin:/go/bin \
  golang get github.com/golang/example/hello/...

However, on a Mac, trying to use /usr as a volume will not mount your Mac's filesystem to the container. It will mount the /usr directory of the Moby VM (the small Linux VM hidden behind the Docker whale icon in your toolbar).

You can, however, use /tmp or something in your home directory, and then copy it from there.

Building lean images

The Go binaries that we produced with this technique are statically linked. This means that they embed all the code that they need to run, including all dependencies. This contrasts with dynamically linked programs, which don't contain some basic libraries (like the "libc") and use a system-wide copy which is resolved at run time.

This means that we can drop our Go compiled program in a container, without anything else, and it should work.

Let's try this!

The scratch image

There is a special image in the Docker ecosystem: scratch. This is an empty image. It doesn't need to be created or downloaded, since by definition, it is empty.

Let's create a new, empty directory for our new Go lean image.

In this new directory, create the following Dockerfile:

FROM scratch
COPY ./hello /hello
ENTRYPOINT ["/hello"]

This means:

  • start from scratch (an empty image),
  • add the hello file to the root of the image,
  • define this hello program to be the default thing to execute when starting this container.

Then, produce our hello binary as follows:

docker run -v $(pwd):/go/bin --rm \
  golang go get github.com/golang/example/hello/...

Note: we don't need to set GOOS and GOARCH here, because precisely, we want a binary that will run in a Docker container, not on our host system. So leave those variables alone!

Then, we can build the image:

docker build -t hello .

And test it:

docker run hello

(This should display Hello, Go examples!.)

Last but not least, check the image's size:

docker images hello

If we did everything right, this image should be about 2 MB. Not bad!

Building something without pushing to GitHub

Of course, if we had to push to GitHub each time we wanted to compile, we would waste a lot of time.

When you want to work on a piece of code and build it within a container, you can mount a local directory to /go in the golang container, so that the $GOPATH is persisted across invocations: docker run -v $HOME/go:/go golang ....

But you can also mount local directories to specific paths, to "override" some packages (the ones that you have edited locally). Here is a complete example:

# Adapt the two following environment variables if you are not running on a Mac
export GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64
mkdir go-and-docker-is-love
cd go-and-docker-is-love
git clone git://github.com/golang/example
cat example/hello/hello.go
sed -i .bak s/olleH/eyB/ example/hello/hello.go
docker run --rm \
  -v $(pwd)/example:/go/src/github.com/golang/example \
  -v $(pwd):/go/bin/${GOOS}_${GOARCH} \
  -e GOOS -e GOARCH \
  golang go get github.com/golang/example/hello/...
# Should display "Bye, Go examples!"

The special case of the net package and CGo

Before diving into real-world Go code, we have to confess something: we lied a little bit about the static binaries. If you are using CGo, or if you are using the net package, the Go linker will generate a dynamic binary. In the case of the net package (which a lot of useful Go programs out there are using indeed!), the main culprit is the DNS resolver. Most systems out there have a fancy, modular name resolution system (like the Name Service Switch) which relies on plugins which are, technically, dynamic libraries. By default, Go will try to use that; and to do so, it will produce dynamic libraries.

How do we work around that?

Re-using another distro's libc

One solution is to use a base image that has the essential libraries needed by those Go programs to function. Almost any "regular" Linux distro based on the GNU libc will do the trick. So instead of FROM scratch, you would use FROM debian or FROM fedora, for instance. The resulting image will be much bigger now; but at least, the bigger bits will be shared with other images on your system.

Note: you cannot use Alpine in that case, since Alpine is using the musl library instead of the GNU libc.

Bring your own libc

Another solution is to surgically extract the files needed, and place them in your container with COPY. The resulting container will be small. However, this extraction process leaves the author with the uneasy impression of a really dirty job, and they would rather not go into more details.

If you want to see for yourself, look around ldd and the Name Service Switch plugins mentioned earlier.

Producing static binaries with netgo

We can also instruct Go to not use the system's libc, and substitute Go's netgo library, which comes with a native DNS resolver.

To use it, just add -tags netgo -installsuffix netgo to the go get options.

  • -tags netgo instructs the toolchain to use netgo.
  • -installsuffix netgo will make sure that the resulting libraries (if any) are placed in a different, non-default directory. This will avoid conflicts between code built with and without netgo, if you do multiple go get (or go build) invocations. If you build in containers like we have shown so far, this is not strictly necessary, since there will be no other Go code compiled in this container, ever; but it's a good idea to get used to it, or at least know that this flag exists.

The special case of SSL certificates

There is one more thing that you have to worry about if your code has to validate SSL certificates; for instance if it will connect to external APIs over HTTPS. In that case, you need to put the root certificates in your container too, because Go won't bundle those into your binary.

Installing the SSL certificates

Three again, there are multiple options available, but the easiest one is to use a package from an existing distribution.

Alpine is a good candidate here because it's so tiny. The following Dockerfile will give you a base image that is small, but has an up-to-date bundle of root certificates:

FROM alpine:3.4
RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates apache2-utils

Check it out; the resulting image is only 6 MB!

Note: the --no-cache option tells apk (the Alpine package manager) to get the list of available packages from Alpine's distribution mirrors, without saving it to disk. You might have seen Dockerfiles doing something like apt-get update && apt-get install ... && rm -rf /var/cache/apt/*; this achieves something equivalent (i.e. not leave package caches in the final image) with a single flag.

As an added bonus, putting your application in a container based on the Alpine image gives you access to a ton of really useful tools: now you can drop a shell into your container and poke around while it's running, if you need to!

Rewriting simple micro-services in Go

Still with us? Great! Now that we know how to build simple Go programs and put them in lean containers, we propose to take an existing application and rewrite it in Go to see the insane space savings that we can achieve.

Don't panic, the application will be pretty simple: it is a demo app part of a Docker orchestration workshop. It is built around a microservices architecture. One service is in Ruby, two are in Python, one is in node... But each of them is less than 50 lines of code.

Discovering the application

To see what the application is like, just clone the code and run it with compose:

git clone git://github.com/jpetazzo/orchestration-workshop
cd orchestration-workshop/dockercoins
docker-compose up -d

The build will take a few minutes (or a while, if the internet connection is slow); then, once the application is running, point your browser to port 8000 of your Docker installation. If you are on Linux, or using Docker Mac, that will be http://localhost:8000; with some older betas of Docker Mac, you might have to use http://docker.local:8000/; and if you are using Docker Machine, use docker-machine ip to see the IP address of your Docker VM..

The app should show a performance graph that will be around 3-4 units per second.

You can scale the application with docker-compose scale worker=3. Try with higher values. You will see that the performance peaks at 10 hashes per second.

Analyzing the performance problem

If you want to go the long route, you can check the complete slides of the orchestration workshop, but if you want to dive in and start writing Go immediately, check the next paragraph!

What's wrong with this application?

The rng service is using Python's default WSGI server, which is mono-process, mono-request, mono-everything. It can only handle one request at a time, and it sleeps 0.1s before serving each request, so that's why the performance graph peaks at 10 hashes/s.

Solving the performance problem

We want to rewrite the rng service in Go! If you want to do some reverse engineering, go ahead, check the repo, find out where the source code lives, and try to guess what the rng service does and how to reimplement it in Go. If you want better intructions (or if you can't find out because the code is too obscure), go to the next paragraph!

The rng service

The rng service (Random Number Generator) is a simple web service that generates random data. It expects requests to /<somenumber> and generates a random binary payload of size <somenumber>. For instance, when the application is running, you can execute the following command:

docker run --net dockercoins_default centos curl http://rng/10

This will print 10 random bytes on the terminal (binary data, so this might garble your terminal, and you probably won't see exactly 10 characters since some of them might be non printable).

We need to reimplement this service in Go!

A few hints

We recommend that you check the following packages:

  • https://golang.org/pkg/math/rand/
  • https://golang.org/pkg/net/http/
  • https://golang.org/pkg/time/ (if you want to play ball and sleep 0.1s before serving each request!)

If you do it "right", you will either see the same performance (if you handle one request at a time) or a performance gain (if you handle concurrent requests).

Building lean containers with Docker Compose

Note that instead of just building with docker-compose build, now you need to build in two steps:

  • first, compile your Go binaries;
  • then, build your Docker images using those binaries.

Hacking on Docker itself

If you want to work use your Go skills to improve Docker itself, here are a few suggestions of GitHub issues targeted for Docker 1.12 that could use your help. These range from the beginner level to the intermediate level.

  • networking/swarm mode: Make gossip timeout configurable: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24557
  • Proposal: Replace secrets with "join tokens": https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24430
  • docker swarm join should take multiple addresses: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24085
  • Improve cli help for --update-delay flag: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24083
  • [1.12-rc2] daemon.ID should be replaced with swarm NodeID: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24095
  • Allow forcing all swarm tasks to reschedule for a service: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24469
  • docker swarm update without arguments should show usage: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24352
  • Increase integration test coverage of swarm mode: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24240
  • Swarm Integration Test Suite is Poorly Documented: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/24564

Of course, there are plenty of other things to work on. You can look at Docker's issue tracker on GitHub for ideas: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues

Feel free to ask us for help or advice!