vue2-leaflet-markercluster copied to clipboard
Dynamic cluster icons with v-for
Hi, having a problem with how custom cluster icons are showing. For the most part it works perfectly as expected except that when stopping displaying a cluster group that has no pins/data, the last cluster group added takes on the icon properties of the one removed. The files are removed by altering the fileList variable.
A very condensed code snippet bellow:
<l-map ...>
<div v-for="(fileNumber, index) in fileList"
<Vue2LeafletMarkerCluster :options="options(fileNumber)">
<l-marker ...>
options(index) {
return {
iconCreateFunction: function(cluster) {
var childCount = cluster.getChildCount();
var c= " marker-cluster-";
if (childCount < 10) {
c += "small";
} else if (childCount < 100) {
c += "medium";
} else {
c += "large";
return new L.DivIcon({
html: `<div><span>${childCount}</span></div>`,
className: `marker-cluster ${c} marker-cluster-index-${index}`,
iconSize: new L.Point(40, 40)
The first console log always outputs the correct value however, when the bug occurs, the second outputs the value of the empty file.
Steps to recreate:
- have one file with geodata in and one without
- load the file without the data
- load the file with data
- unload the file without data
- OBSERVE cluster has the icon properties of the unloaded data (class of the remaining data has been overwritten with that of the empty data file)