vue2-leaflet-markercluster copied to clipboard
Marker with dynamic content
Hi! I have some problems with markers that has dynamic content. My code is:
<div class="flex flex-col flex-wrap -mx-2 h-full relative">
<div class="px-2 min-h-screen">
chunkedLoading: true,
animate: false,
<l-marker v-for="(car, i) in =>"
:lat-lng="{ }" :key="`place_${i}`"
<div class="w-48">
<car :car="car" v-if="popups.includes("></car>
<div :class="car.tmr ? 'text-green-700' : 'text-blue-800'">
<svgicon name="pin" class="w-6"
color="#ffffff inherit inherit"></svgicon>
showPopup: function (e) {
const { car } =
If marker outside the cluster this code works fine, but when cluster spiderify click on marker simply collapse cluster. See image bellow.
I have the exactly same problem, did you resolve it since you wrote the issue?
Edit: I just found a workaround. Cluster don't like popup with dynamic content, you need to extend your component from LPopup and catch the popupopen event to update it's content like this:
let self = this
let marker = this.$refs[markerRef].mapObject
marker.on('popupopen', function (e) {
// Get your extended component and call it's "refresh" function mad by you
let popup = self.$refs[popupRef]
To extend from LPopup just add this to your component:
import * as Vue2Leaflet from 'vue2-leaflet'
export default {
extends: Vue2Leaflet.LPopup,
And of course instead of using <l-popup>
use your component's name.
Hope it helps other devs. Maybe there is a better fix.
Hi, I'm facing exactly the same problem and haven't found another solution yet.
@holtolee: Thanks for your workaround. Unfortunately I'm having problems to figure out where and how to overwrite the popupopen event. I assume, I have to put your code somewhere in my custom popup component that is extending LPopup but don't know how. May I kindly ask you to further explain this, maybe based on an example?
Thank you very much in advance!
Thanks to @holtolee I got I working for me, though a bit different. I'm sure there might still be a better solution, but this worked for me.
New custom popup component:
<!-- Dynamic content part that caused issues when used in "original" l-popup in a markercluster: -->
<v-layout column v-if=" == currentId">
import * as Vue2Leaflet from 'vue2-leaflet'
export default {
extends: Vue2Leaflet.LPopup,
name: 'CustomPopup',
props: {
item: Object,
computed: {
currentId() {
return this.$store.state.currentId;
Parent component with map and markercluster:
<!-- I did not use the @click event, but defined a custom method for the @popupopen event of the marker: -->
<l-marker v-for="item in markers" :key="" @popupopen="openMarkerPopup(item)">
<CustomPopup :item="item" />
import CustomPopup from './CustomPopup';
export default {
components: {
// LPopup, <-- not required any more
methods: {
<!-- Setting the currenId that is used as a condition for the dymanic part of the popup content. In my case I don't have
to explicitly call marker.openPop() again, as the popup is anyways opening... -->
this.$store.commit('setCurrentId', id);