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Namco 2x6 support on IOS, use bios, mcd files
I would like to compare ps2 games to their arcade counter part, and I would like for you to add support for namco 2x6 support on ios. Speaking of which, can you also add bios support? This includes the ps2 bios, as well as the namco 246 and 256 bios. One last thing, could you add support of using mcd memory card files instead of using folders? It's a lot easier for using cheats with something I talked about earlier this year, swapping discs.
I would also like to see an Android support for Namco System 2x6 emulation as well cause i would like to play the arcade version of Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (after being bored of the PSP version but i appreciate the sacrifices that Katsuhiro Harada (the developer of the Tekken series) made for the PSP/PS3 port, they should have released it on PS2 as an exclusive (along with Time Crisis 4) but it's too late for Namco to do it)
Play doesn’t require a bios since it’s programmed differently than most emulators.