Jesus Perez Curbelo
Jesus Perez Curbelo
I just found the same problem. I think we need to create such a file with the input data to create the avatar.
> Hi all, thanks for your interest. > The reported missing file is created by the [](, which extracts the measurements from obj dataset. Thanks for your reply and for...
Hi @ofloveandhate. Thank you so much for trying to help with this. Fingers are crossed so you can find the cause and fix it. I look forward to using your...
Hi. Thank you so much for your efforts! I'm playing around with polynomial systems from the Runge Kutta equations for a given number of stages and order. I first found...
Thanks. Will try!
Hi @ofloveandhate. Excuse my delay, I was off for a couple of days. Yes, the idea is to solve the systems for RK methods whose existence has been proved and...
Hi, @agirnow. I found your comment because I'm having a similar issue. Have you found a solution? In my case, the len(xbatcher) it's supposed to be ok but, from a...
Hi @sumiya11. Thanks for your quick response. In fact, the system for RK(s=8, p=7) doesn't have a solution - that's what I expected to obtain from this. For example, [RK(s=4,...
Hey @sumiya11. I was wondering if you have had the time to look at this issue (a significant amount of memory RAM is required for specific problems). Please, let me...
Hi @sumiya11! Many thanks. Your efforts are highly appreciated. I will take a look at the updates and materials you mentioned. I'll keep my finger crossed so you can find...