fwknop-gui copied to clipboard
Master repo for fwknop-gui
Fwknop-gui is intended to be a cross platform graphical client for sending SPA knocks to fwknopd. It is based on the interface of Fwknop2 on Android.
Binary downloads for Windows and Mac are hosted at http://incomsystems.biz/fwknop-gui
Building from source is generally done by creating a build folder in the source directory, and running "cmake .." in that build folder. Then run make and sudo make install. I have run into an issue in Fedora where cmake will try to use wxWidgets 2.8.12 instead of a 3.0 version. The solution seems to be to run cmake ../ -DwxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE='/usr/bin/wx-config-3.0'
To build on Windows, use the msys2 project from http://msys2.github.io/ Once installed, don't launch the msys2 shell. Instead, use the "MinGW-w64 Win32 Shell" Start by running "update-core", installing those updates, and then closing that shell and reopening it.
From there, run: pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain pacman -S make mingw-w64-i686-make mingw-w64-i686-libtool texinfo autoconf automake tar
Download the latest tarball from http://www.cipherdyne.org/fwknop/download/ and use tar -xf fwknop-2.* to unpack. Then run:
./configure --disable-server --disable-client --disable-stack-protector mingw32-make
This should just work as of Fwknop 2.6.9.
For qrcode support, download the latest realease from https://fukuchi.org/works/qrencode/ ./configure, build, and build install
Next, unpack the fwknop-gui source, and create a build directory. Run cmake .. -G"MSYS Makefiles" twice! and then make to build.
On Mac, I've had to compile both wxWidgets and libqrencode from source. Macports or Homebrew should suffice to install a usable toolchain to bootstrap compiling. Gpgme must also be installed. I used homebrew for this. To make a portable bundle, use "make install".