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YHaxen is a Haxe project management tool written in Haxe. YHaxen can manage a project's variables, dependency validation, tests, builds, and releases.

YHaxen is a Haxe project management tool written in Haxe. YHaxen can manage a project's variables, dependency validation, tests, builds, and releases.

Dependencies & Requirements

Works with:

OS Haxe Neko Haxelib
Win 8.1 3.0.1 -> 3.1.3 2.0.0 3.1.0-rc.4
OSX 3.0.1 -> 3.1.3 2.0.0 3.1.0-rc.4
Ubuntu 14 3.0.1 -> 3.1.3 2.0.0 3.1.0-rc.4

Build with Haxe 3.2.0 is not stable.


Recommended installation from from haxelib:

haxelib install yhaxen

Optionally can be also installed from git:

haxelib git yhaxen [email protected]:jozefchutka/YHaxen.git 0.0.20 src/main/haxe


An yhaxen binary can be build from sources using yhaxen:

haxelib run yhaxen compile -version 123

Optionally can be built from sources using haxe command:

haxe -main yhaxen.Main -neko src/main/haxe/run.n -cp src/main/haxe -lib haxelib_client -D version=123


The main build configuration is defined in a configuration file (default name is yhaxen.json). Each node in configuration file is optional and does not need to be defined unless is meant to be used.

	"variables": [...],
	"dependencies": [...],
	"tests": [...],
	"builds": [...],
	"releases": [...],

A config file can be executed using haxelib run yhaxen compile. See further documentation for more details.

Command line arguments

  • -config - Config file name. Default value is yhaxen.json.
  • -logLevel - Filter std out messages by priority. Default value is 4. Avialable values are 2...7. Lower value means more debug logs.
  • -mode - Executes build in a specific mode. You can define mode to use differnt variable values etc.
  • -version - Required by release phase. Recommended format is SemVer
  • -message - Optional for release phase.
  • validate|test|compile|release - See phases.
  • help - Print help.


yhaxen validate -config src/test/resources/yhaxen.json
yhaxen compile -config "myconfig.json" -logLevel 2 -mode debug
yhaxen release -version 1.2.3 -message "My release message"
yhaxen help


Different kind of variables are available:

  1. defined in config file (use ${variable:...)
  2. dependency related (use ${dependency:...)
  3. command line arguments (use ${arg:...)
  4. system variables (use ${system:...})

Config Variables

  • name (String, required) - Name of a variable.
  • value (String, required) - Value of a variable.
  • modes (Array<String>, optional) - Array of modes where variable is available. Mode can be applied from command line i.e. -mode debug.


"variables": [
		"name": "sourceDirectory",
		"value": "src/main/haxe"
		"name": "outputDirectory",
		"value": "bin/debug",
		"modes": ["debug"]
		"name": "outputDirectory",
		"value": "bin/release"

Config variable in use:

  • ${variable:sourceDirectory} outputs src/main/haxe

Dependency Variables

Single dependendcy:

  • ${dependency:munit:dir} c:/haxe/lib/munit/123
  • ${dependency:munit:dir:-cp} -cp c:/haxe/lib/munit/123
  • ${dependency:munit:classPath:-cp} -cp c:/haxe/lib/munit/123/src

Scope related dependencies:

  • ${dependency:*:dir} c:/haxe/lib/munit/123 c:/haxe/lib/mcover/123 ...
  • ${dependency:*:dir:-cp} -cp c:/haxe/lib/munit/123 -cp c:/haxe/lib/mcover/123 ...
  • ${dependency:*:classPath:-cp} -cp c:/haxe/lib/munit/123/src -cp c:/haxe/lib/mcover/123/src ...

Other dependency examples:

  • ${dependency:munit:name:-lib} -lib munit
  • ${dependency:munit:nameVersion:-lib} -lib munit:123
  • ${dependency:*:name} munit mcover ...
  • ${dependency:*:nameVersion:-lib} -lib munit:123 -lib mcover:123 ...

Argument Variables

Command line arguments haxelib run yhaxen compile version 123:

  • ${arg:version} 123

System Variables

System variables:

  • ${system:cwd} i.e. c:/Documents/Project

Variables Fallback

A default value can be provided if variable is not available:

  • ${arg:version|variable:version} if version is not specified via argument, variable will be used


  1. validate (variables)
  2. test
  3. compile (build)
  4. release

Each phase has a related section (optional) in the config file. If a phase related section is not defined in config file, the phase is skipped. When a specific phase is requested, each preceding phase is invoked as well (e.g. yhaxen release would run validate, test and compile phase before the actual release).

A specific build in a test or compile phase can be executed by providing a build name (i.e. compile:myBuild). All builds within a phase can be executed by providing * as a build name (i.e. test:*)


yhaxen validate
yhaxen test
yhaxen test:*
yhaxen test:testName
yhaxen compile
yhaxen compile:*
yhaxen compile:buildName
yhaxen release -version 0.0.1
yhaxen release -version 0.0.1 -message "Initial release."
yhaxen release -version 0.0.1 -message "Releasing version ${arg:-version}."


Resolve and install dependencies from GIT or Haxelib (see type parameter).

  • name (String, required) - Dependency name to be used for haxelib.
  • version (String, required) - Dependency version to be used for haxelib. In case of git dependency, can point to branch, tag or commit.
  • type (String, required) - Only git or haxelib values are available.
  • source (String, required for git) - Points to git repository.
  • subdirectory (String, optional) - Git subdirectory to sources or haxelib.json. Only available with git.
  • scopes (Array<String>, optional) - Scope filtering is used with build or test phase. If dependency scope is not defined, the dependency will be avialable for all builds and tests. If scopes are defined, dependency will be used only for appropriate build or test name.
  • forceVersion (Bool, optional) - If multiple versions of a lib is used, phase fails with error describing the conflicting dependencies. Enable this flag to resolve conflicts.
  • update (Bool, optional) - Removes old version if exists and replaces with new one. Consider using this flag when dependency version is pointing to a branch.
  • useCurrent (Bool, optional) - If true, the dependency dir will be resolved from .current file for variables (e.g. ${dependency:munit:dir} or ${dependency:munit:classPath}).
  • makeCurrent (Bool, optional) - If true, the requested dependency version will be set as current with validation phase (using haxelib command haxelib set munit 2.1.1).

Example dependency configuration:

"dependencies": [
		"name": "msignal",
		"version": "1.2.2",
		"type": "haxelib"
		"source": "[email protected]:massiveinteractive/MassiveUnit.git",
		"type": "git",
		"subdirectory": "src",
		"scopes": ["test"]


Test the compiled source code using a unit testing framework.

  • name (String, required) - Name of a test. Is used to resolve scoped dependencies. Must be unique across tests and builds.
  • command (String, required) - Command to be executed. May contain variables.
  • arguments (String, optional) - Additional arguments. May contain variables.
  • mergeArguments (Bool, optional) - Merges and escapes arguments with command into a single command used for Sys.command. See related neko issue.
  • dir (String, optional) - Working directory. May contain variables.


		"name": "test",
		"command": "haxelib",
		"arguments": ["run", "munit", "test"]


Compile the source code of the project.

  • name (String, required) - Name of a build. Is used to resolve scoped dependencies. Must be unique across tests and builds.
  • command (String, required) - Command to be executed. May contain variables.
  • arguments (String, optional) - Additional arguments. May contain variables.
  • mergeArguments (Bool, optional) - Merges and escapes arguments with command into a single command used for Sys.command. See related neko issue.
  • dir (String, optional) - Working directory. May contain variables.


		"name": "main",
		"command": "haxe",
			"-main", "Main",
			"-js", "${variable:outputDirectory}/main.js",
			"-cp", "${variable:sourceDirectory}",


Release versioned project. With git release, all modified files are commited and a tag is created in remote repository.

  • type (String, required) - Release type (available options are haxelib or git).
  • haxelib (String, optional) - Path to a haxelib.json file that would be updated with dependencies, version and release message. Any dependency scoped to any compile phase would be added, test scoped dependencies only would not be added. May contain variables.
  • archiveInstructions (Array, required for haxelib release) - An array of instructions about paths to be archived and released. May contain variables.


		"type": "haxelib",
		"haxelib": "src/haxelib.json",
			{"source": "src/haxelib.json", "target":"haxelib.json"},
			{"source": "doc", "target": "doc"},
			{"source": "bin/run.n", "target": "run.n"}
		"type": "git",
		"haxelib": "src/haxelib.json"