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How to compile it?

Open deem0n opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments

We see CGO_ENABLED=0 go build ./cmd/jaeger-pg-store/ in the Readme.md but there is no cmd/jaeger-pg-store folder in the repo.


deem0n avatar Jan 13 '21 15:01 deem0n

You are right, it is time to cleanup

jozef-slezak avatar Jan 21 '21 15:01 jozef-slezak

I am closing because of merging #4

jozef-slezak avatar Apr 14 '21 09:04 jozef-slezak

Also to run the plugin is very different now.

Need to use something like:

GRPC_STORAGE_PLUGIN_BINARY="./jaeger-pg-store" GRPC_STORAGE_PLUGIN_CONFIGURATION_FILE=./config-example.yaml SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin ./all-in-one --sampling.strategies-file=./sampling_strategies.json

muhammadn avatar Apr 14 '21 10:04 muhammadn

@muhammadn I'm trying to make this work from the all-in-one-linux version (inside a docker container)

I've compiled it and copied it inside the container but for some reason the configuration.yaml file is completely ignored and it tries to connect to localhost:5432 while I have some different values in my config file.

Any ideas on how to fix it?

george-studenko avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 george-studenko

@george-studenko I don't think i can help you here because your question is basically a docker question. You should read about how to tell the docker to mount your local machine's directory.

Anyway i have not used this plugin in production.

muhammadn avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 muhammadn

Thanks for your response @muhammadn

Regardless of being docker (it works the same, just in an isolated environment), it would behave the same locally, is there maybe any changes on how to start it that might need to be updated in the docs? or could this be a possible bug?

george-studenko avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 george-studenko

@george-studenko no changes. You can try it out yourself. code is opensource, if there is a bug, just fix it. unless you want to hire me as your consultant.

muhammadn avatar Jul 18 '22 14:07 muhammadn

@george-studenko I met the same problem. It has been bothering me for a long time. How did you fix it.

chrisleell avatar Jul 26 '24 02:07 chrisleell