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A full stack web framework written in janet

Results 20 joy issues
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Hi, I'm running into an issue, I know it's not the 'right' way to do it, but I need to do it this way, I'm serving some pages with joy,...

At present if I return ``` {:status 401 :body [:h1 "no can do"]} ``` from a handler, it fails during the middleware stuff where it's trying to merge things. To...

I found the code in the authentication docs to not work here (also there is a typo, an extra parentheses after the ?) ```clojure (defn create [request] (let [[_...

While following example code in the authentication docs It appears that it is attempting to run the following sql ``` insert into account (password, db/table, email) values (?, ?, ?);...

If I set up a params object (naming it `validate-account` to not shadow the params function, which I think is a bad example) ```clojure (def validate-account (params :accounts (validates [:name...

Just did `jpm install joy` and I see that it pulls in /usr/local/lib/janet/path.janet, but path already comes with spork now (/usr/local/lib/janet/spork/path.janet).

First, let me say thanks! I just started with joy and it is a joy! I saw you also created a nice testing framework. How about adding a simple test...