if you are going to use it in this form it should be: var distance = Math.pow(Math.pow(building.x-hero.x,2)+Math.pow(building.y-hero.y,2),0.5); You forgot the sqrt... at line 2673 you did use the sqrt ie....
Hehe it's all about the priorities :). In 2 weeks I've a lot of spare time, ill help you fix some of these bugs.
How are you going to setup multiplayer games? through a dedicated server or like age of empires, every client simulating the game and sending commands? //edit
As it seems there is still no way to do p2p in webbrowsers and only the option of a push server, it looks like you're gonna have to work through...
Too bad you can't receive incomming connections in a browser. P2p support in browsers would be a nice addition. ( It would reduce the load on your servers. But like...
If you are just building a front-end javascript render engine, why bother writing the server in javascript? why not use an other programming language which already got nice game-server-frameworks and...
If you want to play this game with a couple of friends on crappy computers, it is a good solution.. However if you want to integrate this game into facebook...
Very true but still, you need to provide the cpu cycles and memory space and nowadays every 'computer' (as in pc,tablet,smartphone,...) would be fast enough to simulate this itself. Then...
I believe the synchronized gamestates is the way to go! nice lets try that :) (can't wait to have some spare time to mess with this :D ) I do...