ListEx icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ListEx copied to clipboard

List Control with tooltips, cells editing, colors, sorting, hyperlinks, columns hiding, and a lot more.


ListEx is an advanced owner-drawn List Control, an extended version of the CMFCListCtrl class.

Table of Contents

  • Features
  • Installation
  • Create
    • Manually
    • In Dialog
  • Tooltips
  • Sorting
  • Editing Cells
  • Data Alignment
  • Public Methods
    • HideColumn
    • SetCellColor
    • SetCellData
    • SetCellTooltip
    • SetColumnEditable
    • SetHdrColumnIcon
    • SetHdrHeight
    • SetSortable
  • Structures
    • EListExSortMode
  • Notification Messages
  • Example
  • Appearance


  • Editable cells, not only the first column
  • Hyperlinks in a cells' text
  • Tooltips for individual cells
  • Background and text color for individual cells
  • Many options to set individual colors for lots of list aspects with the LISTEXCOLORSTRUCT
  • Set header height and font
  • Set header color for individual columns
  • Individual text alignment for a header and column itself
  • Header icons
  • Hiding individual columns
  • Additional item data for individual cells
  • Innate ability to sort list columns with no additional effort
  • Dynamically changed list's font size with the Ctrl+MouseWheel


The usage of the control is simple:

  1. Add ListEx.h and CListEx.cpp into your project
  2. Declare IListExPtr variable: IListExPtr myList { CreateListEx() };

IListExPtr is a pointer to the IListEx class wrapped in std::unique_ptr. This wrapper is used mainly for convenience, so you don't have to bother about object lifetime, it will be destroyed automatically. That's why there is a call to the factory function CreateListEx(), to properly initialize a pointer.

Control uses its own namespace LISTEX. So it's up to you, whether to use namespace prefix before declarations:


or to define namespace in the source file's beginning:

using namespace LISTEX;



Create is the main method to create ListEx control, it takes LISTEXCREATE structure as an argument.
Below is a simple example of the ListEx creation:

IListExPtr myList { CreateListEx() };
lcs.pParent = this;
lcs.uID = ID_MY_LIST;
lcs.rect = CRect(0, 0, 500, 300);


In Dialog

To create ListEx in a Dialog you can manually do it with the Create method.
But most of the time you prefer to place a standard List Control onto a Dialog's template, by dragging it from the Toolbox within Visual studio.
To use the latter approach follow these steps:

  1. Put a standard List Control from the toolbox onto your dialog.
  2. Declare IListExPtr member variable within your dialog class: IListExPtr m_myList { CreateListEx() };
  3. In your OnInitDialog method call the m_myList->CreateDialogCtrl(ID_OF_THE_LIST, this); method.


To set a tooltip for a given cell:

myList->SetCellTooltip(0, 1, L"Tooltip text", L"Tooltip caption:");

This will set a tooltip for a Cell (0, 1) with the text: Tooltip text, and the caption Tooltip caption.


To enable a sorting set the LISTEXCREATE::fSortable flag to true. In this case, when you click on the header, list will be sorted according to the clicked column. By default ListEx performs lexicographical sorting.
To set your own sorting routine use the SetSortable method.

Editing Cells

By default ListEx works in the read-only mode. To enable cells editing call the SetColumnEditable method with the column ID which cells you wish to become editable.

Data Alignment

Classical List Control allows setting an alignment only for a header and column simultaneously.
ListEx allows setting alignment separately for the header and the data. The iDataAlign argument in the InsertColumn() method is responsible exactly for that.

Public Methods

IListEx class also has a set of additional methods to help customize your control in many different aspects.


void HideColumn(int iIndex, bool fHide);

Hide or show column by iIndex.


SetCellColor(int iItem, int iSubitem, COLORREF clrBk, COLORREF clrText = -1);

Sets background and text color for a given cell.


void SetCellData(int iItem, int iSubitem, ULONGLONG ullData);

Sets arbitrary application-defined data associated with given cell.


void SetCellTooltip(int iItem, int iSubitem, std::wstring_view wstrTooltip, std::wstring_view wstrCaption = L"");

Sets tooltip and caption for a given cell.


void SetColumnEditable(int iColumn, bool fEditable);

Enables or disables edit mode for a given column.


void SetHdrColumnIcon(int iColumn, int iIconIndex, bool fClick = false);

Sets the icon index in the header's image list for a given iColumn. To remove icon from column set the iIconIndex to -1.
Flag fClick means that icon is clickable. See LISTEX_MSG_HDRICONCLICK message for more info.


void SetHdrHeight(DWORD dwHeight);


void SetSortable(bool fSortable, PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare = nullptr, EListExSortMode enSortMode = EListExSortMode::SORT_LEX)

bool fSortable
Enables or disables sorting

Callback function pointer with the type int (CALLBACK *PFNLVCOMPARE)(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort) that is used to set your own comparison function. If it's nullptr ListEx performs default sorting.
The comparison function must be either a static member of a class or a stand-alone function that is not a member of any class. For more information see official MSDN documentation.

EListExSortMode enSortMode
Default sorting mode for the list.



    CWnd*            pParent { };             //Parent window.
    PCLISTEXCOLORS   pColors { };             //ListEx colors.
    const LOGFONTW*  pListLogFont { };        //ListEx font.
    const LOGFONTW*  pHdrLogFont { };         //Header font.
    CRect            rect { };                //Initial rect.
    UINT             uID { };                 //ListEx control ID.
    DWORD            dwStyle { };             //ListEx window styles.
    DWORD            dwExStyle { };           //Extended window styles.
    DWORD            dwTTStyleCell { };       //Cell's tooltip Window styles.
    DWORD            dwTTStyleLink { };       //Link's tooltip Window styles.
    DWORD            dwTTShowDelay { };       //Tooltip delay before showing, in milliseconds.
    DWORD            dwTTShowTime { 5000 };   //Tooltip show up time, in milliseconds.
    DWORD            dwListGridWidth { 1 };   //Width of the list grid.
    DWORD            dwHdrHeight { };         //Header height.
    POINT            ptTTOffset { };          //Tooltip offset from cursor. Doesn't work for TTS_BALLOON.
    bool             fDialogCtrl { false };   //If it's a list within dialog.
    bool             fSortable { false };     //Is list sortable, by clicking on the header column?
    bool             fLinkUnderline { true }; //Links are displayed underlined or not.
    bool             fLinkTooltip { true };   //Show links' toolips or not.
    bool             fHighLatency { false };  //Do not redraw until scroll thumb is released.


    COLORREF clrListText { GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) };       //List text color.
    COLORREF clrListTextLink { RGB(0, 0, 200) };                  //List hyperlink text color.
    COLORREF clrListTextSel { GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT) }; //Selected item text color.
    COLORREF clrListTextLinkSel { RGB(250, 250, 250) };           //List hyperlink text color in selected cell.
    COLORREF clrListBkOdd { GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW) };          //List Bk color of the odd rows.
    COLORREF clrListBkEven { GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW) };         //List Bk color of the even rows.
    COLORREF clrListBkSel { GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT) };       //Selected item bk color.
    COLORREF clrListGrid { RGB(220, 220, 220) };                  //List grid color.
    COLORREF clrTooltipText { 0xFFFFFFFFUL };                     //Tooltip text color, 0xFFFFFFFFUL for current Theme color.
    COLORREF clrTooltipBk { 0xFFFFFFFFUL };                       //Tooltip bk color, 0xFFFFFFFFUL for current Theme color.
    COLORREF clrHdrText { GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) };        //List header text color.
    COLORREF clrHdrBk { GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW) };              //List header bk color.
    COLORREF clrHdrHglInact { GetSysColor(COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION) };//Header highlight inactive.
    COLORREF clrHdrHglAct { GetSysColor(COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION) };    //Header highlight active.
    COLORREF clrNWABk { GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW) };              //Bk of Non Working Area.

This struct is also used in SetColor method.


    COLORREF clrBk { };
    COLORREF clrText { };


    POINT pt { };              //Point of the top-left corner.
    int   iIconIndex { };      //Icon index in the header's image list.
    bool  fClickable { true }; //Is icon sending LISTEX_MSG_HDRICONCLICK message when clicked.


Enum showing sorting type for list columns.

enum class EListExSortMode : short {

Notification Messages

These messages are sent to the parent window in form of WM_NOTIFY Windows messages.
The lParam will contain a pointer to the NMHDR standard Windows struct. NMHDR::code can be one of the LISTEX_MSG_... messages described below.


When in Virtual Mode this message is sent to the parent window to retrieve cell's color information.

void CListDlg::OnListExGetColor(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* /*pResult*/) {
    const auto pLCI = reintepret_cast<PLISTEXCOLORINFO>(pNMHDR);
    if (pLCI->iSubItem == 1) { //Column number 1 (for all rows) colored to RGB(0, 220, 220).
        pLCI->stClr = { RGB(0, 220, 220), RGB(0, 0, 0) };


When in Virtual Mode this message is sent to the parent window to retrieve cell's icon index in the list internal image list.

void CListDlg::OnListExGetIcon(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* /*pResult*/) {
    const auto pLII = reinterpret_cast<PLISTEXICONINFO>(pNMHDR);
    pLII->iIconIndex = 1; //Icon index in the list's image list.


Sent to the parent window in Virtual Mode to retrieve cell's tooltip information.

void CListDlg::OnListGetToolTip(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* /*pResult*/) {
    const auto pTTI = reinterpret_cast<PLISTEXTTINFO>(pNMHDR);
    const auto iItem = pTTI->iItem;
    static constexpr const wchar_t* ttData[] { L"Cell tooltip text...", L"Caption of the cell tooltip:" };
    pTTI->stData.pwszText = ttData[0];
    pTTI->stData.pwszCaption = ttData[1];


List embedded hyperlink has been clicked. WM_NOTIFY lParam will point to the LISTEXLINKINFO struct.

Hyperlink syntax is: L"Text with the <link="any_text_here" title="Optional tool-tip text">embedded link</link>"
If no optional title tag is provided then the link text itself will be used as hyperlink's tool-tip.
The link and the title's text must be quoted "".


Header icon that previously was set by the SetHdrColumnIcon method has been clicked.
Example code for handling this message:

BOOL CMyDlg::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* /*pResult*/) {
    const auto pNMI = reinterpret_cast<LPNMITEMACTIVATE>(lParam);

    if (pNMI->hdr.code == LISTEX_MSG_HDRICONCLICK && pNMI->hdr.idFrom == IDC_MYLIST) {
    	const auto pNMI = reinterpret_cast<NMHEADERW*>(lParam);
    	//pNMI->iItem holds clicked column index.


Sent when an edit box for cell's data editing is about to show up. If you don't want it to show up, you can set the PLISTEXDATAINFO::fAllowEdit to false in response.

BOOL CMyDlg::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* /*pResult*/) {
    const auto pLDI = reinterpret_cast<LISTEX::PLISTEXDATAINFO>(pNMHDR);
    pLDI->fAllowEdit = false; //Edit-box won't show up.


Sent in Virtual Mode when cell's text has been changed.

BOOL CMyDlg::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* /*pResult*/) {
    const auto pLDI = reinterpret_cast<PLISTEXDATAINFO>(pNMHDR);
    const pwszNewText = pLDI->pwszData;


Let’s imagine that you need a ListEx control with the non standard header height, and yellow background color. Nothing is simpler, see the code below:

lcs.rect = CRect(0, 0, 500, 300)
lcs.pParent = this;
lcs.dwHdrHeight = 50;
lcs.stColor.clrListBkOdd = RGB(255, 255, 0);
lcs.stColor.clrListBkEven = RGB(255, 255, 0);

IListExPtr myList { CreateListEx() };

Here we set both even and odd rows to the same yellow color.


With the Ctrl+MouseWheel you can dynamically change the ListEx's font size.