fox icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fox copied to clipboard

Fox microframework MVC PHP


Fox is a MVC micro-framework written in PHP for building fast, simple and small applications. It emerged from a dark season, when I had issues with my internet connection and needed to do a simple test. Even away from contemporary world, from composer and from modern and cool libraries, I could still solve my problem :)


  • git clone
  • In your apache installation, set public folder as your document root and done, it's working!

In a near future, I will provide Fox through composer create-project


  • Extremely slim: fox directory's size is only 124 KB.
  • Written in pure PHP: you don't need any external library to get it running.
  • Dynamic router to controller, (see How does it work?.
  • Composer friendly: you can add any library you want without trouble.
  • Object-Oriented Controller and Model (and View, maybe sometime later).

How does it work?

Fox has a Dynamic router, based on uri requests into public/index.php, as shown below:

/users/list-admin/br = request
                               | users == Controller\Users  |
request => index.php => router | list-admin == listAdmin()  | => Controller\Users->listAdmin(arg) => View
                               | br == arg <= br            |


  • [ ] Provide this through composer create-project.
  • [ ] Decouple routing from Apache's mod-rewrite, so it could run with Nginx or PHP built-in webserver, for example.
  • [ ] Refactor View to OOP aproach.