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Bash Args is a simple way for get arguments in your bash script.

Bash Args

Bash Args is a simple way for get arguments in your bash script.


Download this repo tarball or on releases page and include lib like on example below.


source $(pwd)/lib/


For use this script, you define what argument name and variable that will receive value, like example below.

my_key=$(bash_args_get_value "my-amazing-secret-key" "$@")
echo $my_key

After this, if you inform param in your script, the value will be assigned on variable.

Bash args support this argument formats.

./myscript -my-amazing-secret-key value
./myscript -my-amazing-secret-key=value
./myscript --my-amazing-secret-key value
./myscript --my-amazing-secret-key=value


For testing, bats is required.

cd tests
bats main.bats