jay icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jay copied to clipboard

Yet another Vim colorscheme on GitHub. Inspired by Molokai.


Yet another Vim colorscheme on GitHub. Inspired by Molokai.


  • Same color palette for both terminal and GUI Vim
  • Light and dark modes, with a transparent option
  • Matching themes for Airline and Lightline
  • Support for 256, 16, and 8 color terminals
  • Explicitly supported plugins: None so far!
    • Want a certain plugin themed? Feel free to open an issue!


Font used in screenshots is Hack. Additional syntax highlighting done by vim-polyglot.

For more examples in different languages, visit 'jay' on colorswat.ch.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode

Light Mode

Light Mode

Airline Theme

Airline (Dark)

Airline (Light)

Lightline Theme

Lightline (Dark)

Lightline (Light)


Tabulated values can be found here.

Palette (Dark)

Palette (Light)


1) Installing the Theme


  • Download this repository and unzip its contents
  • Copy or move the contents into your .vim directory (possibly vimfiles on Windows)

vim-plug (or similar plugin manager)

  • Add Plug 'josuegaleas/jay' to your .vimrc file
  • Restart Vim and use :PlugInstall to install


Clone this repository into your .vim/bundle directory (possibly vimfiles\bundle on Windows) with:

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/josuegaleas/jay.git ~/.vim/bundle/jay/

2) Updating .vimrc

Dark Mode

Add the following lines to your .vimrc file:

syntax enable
set background=dark
colorscheme jay

Light Mode

Add the following lines to your .vimrc file:

syntax enable
set background=light
colorscheme jay

Transparent Option

Add the following line anywhere before colorscheme jay to your .vimrc file:

let jay_transparent=1

Matching Airline/Lightline Theme

Airline should detect your configuration without further instruction.

For Lightline, add the following line anywhere after colorscheme jay to your .vimrc file:

let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'jay'}

Lightline should detect your configuration after the above line is added.


  • [ ] Find a better solution to issue #4
  • [ ] Add explicit support for various plugins
  • [ ] Add support for environments that use italics




  • FliiFe for motivating me to make the transparent option.
  • ksergey for motivating me to improve the tabline of the Airline and Lightline themes.