GenEra copied to clipboard
-a option : can we concatenate custom output with precomputed blast against nr ?
I mentioned it in a comment but it seems better to make a proper question with it :
Let's imagine I launched genEra on a single proteome (-q ), and now, I would like to add some extra proteomes with -a. As step1 took a long time (diamond blastp vs nr), I would like not to rerun it.
Is it possible to launch
diamond blastp --query single_proteome --db extra_proteomes_db -o extra_Diamond_results.bout --outfmt 6 qseqid sseqid evalue bitscore --evalue ${EVALUE} --max-target-seqs 0
# and then,
cat extra_Diamond_results ${TAXID}_Diamond_results.bout > tmp
mv tmp ${TAXID}_Diamond_results.bout
genEra ... -a extra_prot.tsv -p ${TAXID}_Diamond_results.bout
From what I have understood, it would be fine...