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bash script to start a clair scan easily
bash script to start a clair scan easily
IMPORTANT: clairdb needs to populate with vulnerabilites before you get an accurate result. I have a flag that waits for 30 minutes before starting a scan. This doesn't look into the database to confirm its done so if you can improve this pull requests are welcome 🙂
By default this script keeps the clairdb running in docker so that you don't have to repopulate it each time you do a scan.
uses 4 docker images:
- quay.io/coreos/clair:latest link
- jgsqware/clairctl:master link
- registry:latest link
- postgres:latest link
- Docker
docker version
- psql
psql --version
This is included in postgres installation. probably could be removed in a feature improvement
usage: easyclair
-s [search string] enter in key term for clairscan to choose docker images
default: clairscan will analyze all images
-n Dont Tear Down: this will keep all containers running, but will still
clear containers on startup
-d working directory: choose directory to put results and configs
--clear-database : this will delete docker container
called "clairdb" before and after execution
this will have clair take longer to setup
--wait-for-db : wait 30 minutes for clair db to populate with
vulnerabilities. This is recommended on first start up
--postgres-port : default port: 5432
--clair-api-port : default port: 6060
--clair-health-port: default port: 6061
--registry-port : default port: 5000
recommend to change default port if using this in CI or have
other port conflicts
recommend to keep the clairdb up so you have accurate results from
the result of a populated clairdb. Population takes about 30 minutes.
scan images matching string, wait for db, place config and results in dir (recommended)
./easyclair.sh -s ubuntu --wait-for-db -d clairscan/
scan all local images on computer without waiting for db
scan all local images on computer and wait for clairdb to populate
./easyclair.sh --wait-for-db
scan images matching string
./easyclair -s ubuntu