campfire-bot copied to clipboard
An extensible bot for 37 Signals’ Campfire chat service
h1. Campfire Bot
This is a bot for 37 Signals' Campfire chat service.
It has plugin support so you can make your bot do whatever you want.
h2. Installation
@gem install campfire-bot@
h3. Download
Download the source from "github":
h3. Configuration
Create a @config.yml@ in the root of the source directory. Use @config.example.yml@ as an example.
h2. Usage
To run the bot, run @campfire-bot@ with the following parameters:
-c config FILE path to config file -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME environment name to load from config file -p plugin PLUGIN_PATH path to your plugins
@campfire-bot -c config.yml -e production -p ./plugins@
h2. Plugins
See plugins-example/fun.rb for an example plugin.
The old plugins that used to be bundled with campfire-bot are now in their own repo: "campfire-bot-plugins":
h2. Known issues
h3. [BUG] Bus Error
This is really an issue with EventMachine. If you are using this on a machine that has MacPorts, you'll need to make sure that you build both ruby and eventmachine linked against the openssl in /opt/local, not /usr/local.
h3. warning: peer certificate won't be verified in this SSL session
A bug in net/http. Noisy, but harmless.
h2. Original Author
Tim Riley - "github": | "www": | "email":mailto:[email protected]
h2. Maintainer
- Josh Wand - "github":
h3. Contributors
- Marcel M. Cary - "github":
- Hugh Evans - "github":
- Sean O'Dowd - "github":
- Andrew Erickson - "github":