Joshua Ulrich

Results 233 comments of Joshua Ulrich

You created 11 issues about these warnings, but you do not say what the problem is in any of the issues. Can you please elaborate? --- EDIT: I have updated...

We should also not throw a warning if the user supplies a `par` name as an argument. I.e., one of: ``` r R> graphics:::.Pars [1] "xlog" "ylog" "adj" "ann" "ask"...

@braverock If you do use xts internally, consider using the `try.xts`/`reclass` paradigm. TTR has tons of examples.

Does that site open for you? It times out for me. It has a long history of not being available. Maybe the reference should be removed entirely, or should point...

Can you please provide a description of the issue? A minimal, reproducible example would be helpful. You could take one of the simple demos and adapt it to demonstrate the...

If this corrects the OHLC case, it seems like it should also be applied to the BBO case. We currently [subtract `orderThreshold` in L328](, even though it's been accounted for...

This was also reported by someone else via email. Their suggestion was `if(!is.null(orderset) && orderset=NULL`. Here's my response to the email: > It looks like that line is in...

Your proposed solution is wrong. It would set `orderset = NULL` if `orderset` was not null. You probably meant to agree with the proposed solution by the reporter who responded...

Thanks for the proposal. Can you explain the purpose of the function, to make sure I understand what it's doing? That will help me decide whether it's worth moving into...

It would be easier to make `getSymbols.MySQL()` handle date-time columns the MySQL driver should return Date or POSIXct depending on the type of the column in the table. So the...