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ClojureScript bindings for TVOS


cljs-tvos provides ClojureScript bindings for AppleTV's TVML and TVJS.

Clojars Project

Getting Started

Follow Apple's instructions for building a client-server AppleTV app, and point your app to where your built ClojureScript will be served from.

Using cljs-tvos To Build An AppleTV App

Your app should start with a function that loads and displays a TVML file, and that function should be called on the App object's onLaunch event:

(aset js/App "onLaunch" welcome-screen)

That welcome-screen function needs to fetch a TVML document, parse it, and push it onto the navigationDocument's stack.

(defn welcome-screen
  (GET "http://localhost:3000/index.tvml"
       {:handler (fn [resp]
                   (-> (tvjs/parse-document)


cljs-tvos provides convenience functions around TVML (in the cljs-tvos.tvml namespace) and TVJS (in cljs-tvos.tvjs).

DOM Manipulation

TVJS has a limited subset of typical browser DOM manipulation functionality. cljs-tvos.tvml provides wrapper functions around TVJS's DOM API: (tvml/by-tag-name doc "listItemLockup") will return a TVJS NodeList of <listItemLockup> nodes. The NodeList type has been extended with ISeqable (thanks to Domina) so that traditional Clojure seq functions like map, for, et al. are available.


TVJS provides two different types of key-value storage: "local," which persists to disk, and "session," which is limited to the app's life cycle. cljs-tvos uses Transit to preserve type information the values that are stored.

To store an item to localStorage: (tvjs/store-item :countries ['Chile' 'Argentina' 'Uruguay']).


Copyright © 2015 Joshua Miller

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.