Josh Tynjala

Results 511 comments of Josh Tynjala

The Feathers SDK Manager actually uses a SWC library that was compiled with Flex and uses the Flex ResourceManager. You might try seeing if you can grab the ResourceManager from...

getString() is probably [Bindable]. The Feathers SDK should be able to handle that.

If you're on mobile, have you considered SpinnerList? This list always has an item selected.

In Feathers 3.0, it will be possible to disable the looping on VerticalSpinnerLayout. However, there won't be an option for variable item dimensions. For now, your best option is probably...

It's interesting that word wrap works correctly, but a line break does not. Does it make a difference if you set the useGutter property to true on the TextFieldTextRenderer?

In that case, I think it's probably a bug in flash.text.TextField. I've run into many over the years. Sometimes, it handles certain fonts better than others. If you switched to...

I start planning a new version around the time the previous version goes into beta. I don't usually make plans more than one version ahead. If a feature request isn't...

Feathers doesn't have something like that built-in. It wouldn't be particularly difficult to implement, though. You could use a regular HorizontalLayout with a LayoutGroup. Give the left item a fixed...

I opened #1013 with the same idea a while back, but I ultimately decided not to implement it. The reason is that the icon is typically used for some kind...