react-native-autolink copied to clipboard
Matching `@username` formatted usernames encounters collisions with generated token strings
Hello, thank you for sharing this package!
I am trying to match several patterns of strings within a body of text, namely:
- Hash tags (e.g.:
), - User names (e.g.:
), and - URLs.
I've defined three custom matchers as part of a wrapper component:
import { router } from 'expo-router';
import { Linking, StyleProp, TextStyle } from 'react-native';
import Autolink, { CustomMatcher } from 'react-native-autolink';
const linkStyle: StyleProp<TextStyle> = {
color: '#0a7ea4',
const HashTagMatcher: CustomMatcher = {
pattern: /#([a-z0-9_\-]+)/g,
style: linkStyle,
getLinkText: (replacerArgs) => `#${replacerArgs[1]}`,
onPress: (match) => {
const tag = match.getReplacerArgs()[1];
const UserMatcher: CustomMatcher = {
pattern: /@([a-z0-9_\.]+)/g,
style: linkStyle,
getLinkText: (replacerArgs) => `@${replacerArgs[1]}`,
onPress: (match) => {
const userId = match.getReplacerArgs()[1];
const UrlMatcher: CustomMatcher = {
pattern: /https?:\/\/([\w_-]+(?:(?:\.[\w_-]+)+))([\w.,@?^=%&:\/~+#-]*[\w@?^=%&\/~+#-])/g,
style: linkStyle,
getLinkText: (replacerArgs) => replacerArgs[0],
onPress: (match) => {
const url = match.getMatchedText();
const matchers: CustomMatcher[] = [HashTagMatcher, UserMatcher, UrlMatcher];
export const PostBody = ({ text }: { text: string }) => (
<Autolink text={text} matchers={matchers} />
I then try to use this on a code of text, e.g.:
I am linking to because I'm a #corporateshill. All hail @google!
This ends up replacing some matched elements with tokens in the format @__ELEMENT-${uid}-\\d+__@
, at which point my HashTagMatcher
matches against combinations of string created from these tokens such as @__
and @.
Is there an existing way to avoid this, or is this a bug that needs to be reconciled?