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Release binary version of ashuffle on OSX
Right now, the only way for most users to get ashuffle is by compiling the software from source. We should make this easier by also releasing binary distributions. Though, likely only targeting a subset of platforms.
Release v2.2.2 adds an x86_64 linux binary. I think it would also be good to get ARM releases for the major Pi CPUs, as well as an OSX release.
Release v2.3.1 also adds a linux AArch64 release. I think I'm going to skip the OSX release, since I don't have access to an OSX machine to develop on.
Probably better to get it into homebrew.
Meanwhile, here's a homebrew formula:
class Ashuffle < Formula
desc "Automatic library-wide shuffle for mpd."
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "967793bf62a07dfdbc52dc919b1c36c5731aef082536a26df92412d32018c785"
head ""
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "meson" => :build
depends_on "ninja" => :build
depends_on "libmpdclient"
resource "absl" do
url ""
sha256 "f41868f7a938605c92936230081175d1eae87f6ea2c248f41077c8f88316f111"
resource "gtest" do
url ""
sha256 "9bf1fe5182a604b4135edc1a425ae356c9ad15e9b23f9f12a02e80184c3a249c"
def install
(buildpath/"subprojects/absl").install resource("absl")
(buildpath/"subprojects/googletest").install resource("gtest")
mkdir "build" do
system "meson", *std_meson_args, ".."
system "ninja", "-v"
system "ninja", "install", "-v"
@shastry that is probably covered under the umbrella issue #36.
That said, most package management ecosystems, including homebrew, consider it poor taste for devs to package their own software. Quoting from
We frown on authors submitting their own work unless it is very popular.
I also don't currently own a functioning Mac, so maintaining a brew recipe would be pretty painful.
I would be absolutely thrilled if you wanted to package it for homebrew. The docs for how to upstream a recipe can be found here: If you decide to package it, let me know so I can list it in the installation instructions :smile:
As for this issue, I will still leave this issue open to track getting an OSX binary build.
I made my own Homebrew tap, Hamuko/homebrew-mpd, since I wanted to install ashuffle through Homebrew, but I can't really be arsed to add it to Homebrew core. It should even have proper ready-built binaries, since that's now a thing. Binaries are x86 only though as GitHub doesn't seem to have M1 Mac runners. If someone wants to try it, you can just run brew install hamuko/mpd/ashuffle
I think the only thing that I'm not really happy about it as of now is that I can't realistically add a service, since ashuffle can only be configured by passing arguments to the command, and I don't think there is a good mechanism for that using Homebrew services. I'm currently using multiple tweaks myself, so if I wrote a service file for my own liking, it probably wouldn't be to anyone else's. Otherwise the installation and running process would probably go something like this:
$ brew install hamuko/mpd/ashuffle
/usr/local/Cellar/ashuffle/3.13.3: 10 files, 1.8MB
$ vi /path/to/ashuffle.conf # Customize ashuffle behaviour.
$ brew services start ashuffle # ashuffle now runs as a daemon.
I've added a link to the readme. Thanks for sharing!
If you have MacPorts installed, you can install ashuffle with sudo port install ashuffle