MacShairport copied to clipboard
No Sound on Mac
It somehow seems to be running, I can select my iMac's name on the iOS device and I see quite some debug log output in XCode's console (including the mentioned underruns) but the speakers of my iMac remain silent. Are there any prerequisites to be fulfilled on the Mac to be able to hear anything?
I haven't been able to achieve any sound output either. Lots going on in the console, but no sound.
I have the same issue streaming to a Macbook Pro with OS X 10.6.7. Console says "underrun" while it's supposedly playing. Log here if it's useful:
same here... have the project got abandoned? looks like files haven't been touched for a while...
Please keep it alive! we really waiting for it...
Does / hairtunes work for anyone having these issues? Perhaps the included libao isn't working?
I can confirm does work.
I'm assuming it must be something to do with libao, since everything else appears kosher (logging shows commands and underruns appear).
I don't trust the included libao, particularly since I have a new iMac which is running a 64-bit kernel. I'm not sure what that libao is compiled for, so I will see if I can rip it out of the binary and link against a libao installed from macports.
I do believe that it's a FAT lib, but I only looked at it briefly:
$ otool -f libao.4.dylib
Fat headers
fat_magic 0xcafebabe
nfat_arch 2
architecture 0
cputype 7
cpusubtype 3
capabilities 0x0
offset 4096
size 38612
align 2^12 (4096)
architecture 1
cputype 16777223
cpusubtype 3
capabilities 0x0
offset 45056
size 43248
align 2^12 (4096)
fwiw, I've complied my libao myself (for ShairPortMenu) and MacShairport works for me. (2011 MBP, OS X 10.6.7)
erm, I had also used homebrew to install libao (for uninstalling libao from it's system location killed MacShairport for me.
2011-06-14 23:54:00.266 ShairPort[82324:903] -[MSShairportServer handleSetupRequest:connection:response:] [Line 336] /Scratch/Xcode/ShairPortMenu/
does anyone know if you can indeed bundle libao rather than having to install it in a system location? i looked at the installation that brew provided - there is a plugin dir with in it.
Yeah, libao is the real problem. I never had any success statically linking it or bundling it. The ideal solution would be to re-write the libao bits in something native. I haven't had the time to investigate how hard that would be.
I agree. Core Audio is the way to go here.
People having problems with the audio library should have a look at since it uses the standard java audio library.