# Description - Removes `node-fetch` and `cross-fetch` from packages to no longer attempt to configure a `fetch` method on `global object` if none is available. - Removes usage of `global`...
Adds an `abortListener` to workers which allow for cleanup of async tasks which can be run as a cleanup operation to allow workers to be reused if a task timeout...
- Migration of `local-tests` from custom test runner to `Jest` for standardized test runner implementations. - Creates a package for `tinny` which has been migrated from the `setup` directory in...
# Description Adds a test for asserting a session which has Ella-sped its `expiration` should throw a validation exception when attempting to use the expired session for network operations. Adds...
Adds long running tests for epoch transitions to #549 Brings back the test harness within `tinny` for long running tests as jest does not allow for a timeout configuration to...