VSCodeILViewer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
VSCodeILViewer copied to clipboard

Question] Is it possible on ubuntu 14.04?

Open YongseopKim opened this issue 8 years ago • 9 comments


I'm trying this VSCodeILViewer on ubuntu 14.04, but facing this error message.

command 'extension.showIlWindow' not found

Anything to install dependent package?

YongseopKim avatar Feb 27 '17 07:02 YongseopKim

Additinally, my installed program(VSCodeILViewer) version is 0.0.1.

YongseopKim avatar Feb 27 '17 07:02 YongseopKim

The same issue occurs on my RHEL 7.3 Server with GUI. Is it only supported Windows?

tanaka-takayoshi avatar Feb 27 '17 07:02 tanaka-takayoshi

Hi, thank you for reporting this. It should work on Windows, Mac and Linux, though I've only verified it on Windows and Mac.

Does your project target the project.json format?

Also, could you do me a favour and go to VS Code > Help > Toggle Developer Tools and tell me what the console says? You should see some errors in there.


josephwoodward avatar Feb 27 '17 17:02 josephwoodward

Thank you for your answer.

My console message (You can ignore the files(conv_ovf_r8_i*). I removed them, tested again, and then reached the same result.)

Failed to watch /home/dragon/.config/Code/User for configuration changes (Error: watch /home/dragon/.config/Code/User ENOSPC)
ipc.cp.ts:152[IPC Library: Watcher] Error: watch /home/dragon/nfs/sample/test-il ENOSPC(anonymous function) @ ipc.cp.ts:152
ipc.cp.ts:152[IPC Library: Watcher] Error: watch /home/dragon/nfs/sample/test-il/Program.cs ENOSPC(anonymous function) @ ipc.cp.ts:152
ipc.cp.ts:152[IPC Library: Watcher] Error: watch /home/dragon/nfs/sample/test-il/conv_ovf_r8_i.exe ENOSPC(anonymous function) @ ipc.cp.ts:152
ipc.cp.ts:152[IPC Library: Watcher] Error: watch /home/dragon/nfs/sample/test-il/conv_ovf_r8_i.il ENOSPC(anonymous function) @ ipc.cp.ts:152
ipc.cp.ts:152[IPC Library: Watcher] Error: watch /home/dragon/nfs/sample/test-il/project.json ENOSPC(anonymous function) @ ipc.cp.ts:152
ipc.cp.ts:152[IPC Library: Watcher] Error: watch /home/dragon/nfs/sample/test-il/project.lock.json ENOSPC(anonymous function) @ ipc.cp.ts:152
mime.ts:59Overwriting extension <<.s>> to now point to mime <<text/x-arm>>
mime.ts:59Overwriting extension <<.S>> to now point to mime <<text/x-arm>>
extensionHost.ts:282[Extension Host] Activating extension `josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer` failed: Cannot find module './logger'.d.logExtensionHostMessage @ extensionHost.ts:282
extensionHost.ts:282[Extension Host] Activating extension `josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer` failed:  Cannot find module './logger'd.logExtensionHostMessage @ extensionHost.ts:282
extensionHost.ts:282[Extension Host] Here is the error stack:  Error: Cannot find module './logger'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:455:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:403:25)
    at Function.V.o._load (/usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/node/extensionHostProcess.js:14:30928)
    at Module.require (module.js:483:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/dragon/.vscode/extensions/josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer-0.0.1/out/src/extension.js:4:18)
    at Module._compile (module.js:556:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:565:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:473:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:432:12)
mainThreadExtensionService.ts:110Activating extension `josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer` failed: Cannot find module './logger'.t.$localShowMessage @ mainThreadExtensionService.ts:110
3extensionHost.ts:282[Extension Host] _isHugeProject = false (0)
messageService.ts:126command 'extension.showIlWindow' not found: Error: command 'extension.showIlWindow' not found
    at t._tryExecuteCommand (file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:64:14712)
    at file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:64:14551
    at then (file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:32:19172)
    at t.executeCommand (file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:64:14525)
    at t.run (file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:51:29261)
    at t.run (file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:51:29609)
    at e.runAction (file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:95:4317)
    at click (file:////usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/electron-browser/workbench.main.js:95:4087)
    at CallbacksRegistry.apply (/usr/share/code/resources/electron.asar/common/api/callbacks-registry.js:54:39)
    at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/usr/share/code/resources/electron.asar/renderer/api/remote.js:282:21)e.doShow @ messageService.ts:126
extensionHost.ts:282 [Extension Host] ApplicationInsights:Sender [Object]

dotnet version

~/nfs/sample/test-il ᐅ dotnet --version


using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");


  "version": "1.0.0-*",
  "buildOptions": {
    "debugType": "portable",
    "emitEntryPoint": true
  "dependencies": {},
  "frameworks": {
    "netcoreapp1.1": {
      "dependencies": {
        "Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
          "type": "platform",
          "version": "1.1.0"
      "imports": "dnxcore50"

YongseopKim avatar Feb 28 '17 01:02 YongseopKim

I'm not sure @tanaka-takayoshi 's environment is the same as mine.

YongseopKim avatar Feb 28 '17 01:02 YongseopKim

Thanks for the console output, it looks like it's something to do with the logger:

extensionHost.ts:282[Extension Host] Activating extension `josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer` failed: Cannot find module './logger'.d.logExtensionHostMessage @ extensionHost.ts:282
extensionHost.ts:282[Extension Host] Activating extension `josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer` failed:  Cannot find module './logger'd.logExtensionHostMessage @ extensionHost.ts:282
extensionHost.ts:282[Extension Host] Here is the error stack:  Error: Cannot find module './logger'

I'll have to see if I can spin up a VM and replicate the issue, thank you for reporting it.

josephwoodward avatar Feb 28 '17 01:02 josephwoodward

Hi @JosephWoodward , my RHEL 7.3 outputs the same error message.

tanaka-takayoshi avatar Feb 28 '17 01:02 tanaka-takayoshi

Ok, thanks @tanaka-takayoshi I will try get around to this as soon as I can. In the mean time, thank you for making me aware of the issue.

josephwoodward avatar Feb 28 '17 02:02 josephwoodward

[Updated] @JosephWoodward I found one thing. The file name "Logger" starts with Upper case, but required path "logger" starts with lower case. https://github.com/JosephWoodward/VSCodeILViewer/blob/master/src/vscodeilviewer/src/extension.ts#L5 https://github.com/JosephWoodward/VSCodeILViewer/blob/master/src/vscodeilviewer/src/Logger.ts I edited extension.js under my local directory (~/.vscode-insiders/extensions/josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer-0.0.1/out/src) and reloaded plugin, the ILViewer windows opened and successfully displayed the IL codes!!

Also, you built ilViewer.WebApi.dll with .NET Core 1.0, didn't you? When I used .NET Core 1.1, "Inspecting IL, hold onto your seat belts!" message has been displaying more than 30 minutes. After I changed to .NET Core 1.0, everything works well.

tanaka-takayoshi avatar Feb 28 '17 11:02 tanaka-takayoshi