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distributed latent dirichlet allocation


Lightweight python implementation of a distributed, collapsed gibbs sampler for LDA. Uses redis to coordinate multiple nodes.

Documents and associated z-assignments are sharded across worker nodes (row sharding). Model word/document counts are sharded across redis nodes by vocab (column sharding).

dist_lda uses a dirty transaction model where each shard's view of the global state might lag behind the actual global state. This is essentially the model of Newman et al "Distributed Inference for Latent Dirichlet Allocation"

Getting Started

First start your redis somewhere

./src/redis-server redis.conf

Next start the model processing shards. These will divide up the input data into cores*shards pieces and divvy it out amongst all the cores.

python bin/run_dist_lda_shard.py --topics=100 --document=data.gz --cores=2 --shards=4 --this_shard=0 --redis_hosts=host:6379 --sync_every=1
python bin/run_dist_lda_shard.py --topics=100 --document=data.gz --cores=2 --shards=4 --this_shard=1 --redis_hosts=host:6379 --sync_every=1
python bin/run_dist_lda_shard.py --topics=100 --document=data.gz --cores=2 --shards=4 --this_shard=2 --redis_hosts=host:6379 --sync_every=1
python bin/run_dist_lda_shard.py --topics=100 --document=data.gz --cores=2 --shards=4 --this_shard=3 --redis_hosts=host:6379 --sync_every=1

Finally, optionally start up a listener to dump the model to disk every so often:

python listener.py --redis=server.path:6379 --write_every=1

This will generate a gzipped json representation of the model.

Note that you can pass multiple redis databases separating by comma, e.g.:


however, this is currently experimental, and will not work if you have transient node failures.


  • Make sure you have the hiredis package installed; this will significantly reduce message parsing time.
  • Performance bottleneck is communication. The ratio of worker shard updates to redis shards is critical, since there is a large amount of data transfer. Anecdotally I've found one master can coordinate up to ~20 model shards each with a few hundred MB of data before performance starts to degrade.
  • Redis memory bottlenecks can be alleviated somewhat by sharding the model over multiple redis servers, lowering the number of worker shards, or lowering the rate of synchronization (say, once per 10 gibbs steps).

Future Work

  • low-bit hash trick to reduce mem footprint
  • massive amount of benchmarking
  • Support for sharded data files instead of single massive ones
  • Automatic database flushing to avoid incorporating bits of stale models
  • Support for inference (duh)
  • Improve sampler performance (should be able to get this within a constant factor of the C++ reference implementation)


  • If individual processes die and restart, you'll get duplicate zombie words in the global state; fixing this would require some non trivial architectural work, and doesnt seem justified given the impact on the model.


Joseph Reisinger @josephreisinger


Apache 2.0. Please see LICENSE.md. All contents copyright (c) 2011, Joseph Reisinger.